
2023-02-05 12:14:17   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《「破冰游戏:这些开场白帮你打开交谈话题」》,欢迎阅读!

Bitsh 'eautifl da, isn't it ?'


The weather in Britain s upredictabl. So, it's one of the topics he Briish care ms about. n here's simple rule gverning weather-speak: a, "Ye" whether yu agree with the person' commet on the wather o not. Thts bcause th Bitish sat cnveration usin the wathr so that thy an find commo gound and move on t somehing else 法式开场白:你假期去哪了?

Fench: Wher'd yu go on hliday ?


T aproach a French peson, the safest bt s o ask bot i or her lat holida. renc sudents enjo a 1-to15-da holda ever wo months. Frnc employees et ore than ix weeks of hlidays per year. nd the Frnh ae amous fr heir sense of cnersig ver cp of coffee All yo eed to do is kee yor ears open。 美式开场白:你来自哪里?

Ameican: o, hee are yo from ?


Te U i so big and people move so freqenly tha ocation is lwy a sourc f talk. You an try to ind a conection wit the plac thy'e from. Fr eamle, i someone's fro Los

ngeles, yo cold say: Oh, I hv fried ho tdied tere. e sas he sw Bra Ptt severl times on the street." And you'l likey e an ethusiatic reply frm your new fied 如何在聊天网站打开话题

Converston starters on Internet ca sites

嗨,我在网上遭遇了各种各样的奇人。 "Man, I'e met some prety eird haractrs onlne."(八卦一下你在网上遭遇的奇人,不仅是开心的谈资,同时也打消对方的顾虑:你不是怪人。不过并不是所有人都喜欢评价别人,如果你觉得这个话题并不是你想聊的,也不要紧,你只需顺势转换话题,比如 "It taks ll kinds o mae wold. Wha are your hobies?"这个转移话题的方法可以以此类推用到其他时候。)

稍等一下,有些工作要做。 Br, gotta ge some work one."(Brb be rigt back,稍等。这一招儿是用来搪塞让你讨厌的网友的。说完后你可以把状态设置为"离开"。类似的借口还有"brb, ned to go pic up a fren",理由越空越好,空得让他插不上话。如果太"实在"比如 get phone call o go to an vent",会成为对方搭讪的入口,脸皮厚的人也许会借机跟你要电话号码或者申请加入你的活动,那就事与愿违了。)

谢谢你倾听我的故事。和你聊天真的很开心。” "Thaks for listening, I really fet at ase talking to o."(如果你聊得开心,直白地表达吧,特别是对偶然遇见的网友。如果对方跟你这么说,你可能会有点不好意思,即使你感觉不好也不必拒绝,你可以说 "ey o roblm. Feel free t look me p whnever yu need to talk." 如何在俱乐部搭讪

Conversation stater t club

和朋友一起来的么?” "So who're ou her with?(通常是男生问女生,这么问其实是打探对方是不是来约会的。回答这个问题十分微妙,同样是说"我跟异性朋友一起来",可能会有相反的结果。如果搭讪的男生让你不感兴趣,你可以说:"h I'm hee wih friend He' ack there. Se him?"知趣的男生就会知难而退了。如果你确实是被异性约来的,但是不太情愿,而对眼前这位还颇有感觉,你可以说"O, I shared a cab with a rend who's stil dancing. Wold you lie to gt a drik?")

