【#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《论文引用参考书目格式》,欢迎阅读!
直接引文的摆放:插入正文或单独排列(Quotations run into the text or set off from the text)。引用的是散文而又不超过40字,那么应该放入正文中,并用引号引起来;引用的是诗歌而又不超过两行,也应当放入正文中。诗行之间用“/”,符号两边留空;保留原诗中的大写。
Curtius’s term “the Latin Middle Ages” covers a range of Roman legacies, including “the share of Rome, of the Roman idea of the state, of the Roman church, and of Roman culture.”
In his “Hymn to Intellectual Beauty”, Shelley personifies the immaterial spiritual world: “The awful shadow of some unseen Power / Floats through unseen amongst us.”
当然,为了强调也可以将篇幅短的诗歌或散文断开,以获得强调的效果。直接引用应该保持原貌,包括原始资料中的各种标点和符号。断开的引文的格式为:另起一行,左右都缩进3个字符,斜体,并和正文之间空一行,如果原文为1.5倍行距,引文就改为单倍行距,以示区别,达到醒目的效果。如: …Wolfson argues:
[W]here secretaries did use first name for women while reserving title and last name for male faculty, this usage appeared to be a manifestation of a combination of female solidarity with a sense that female professors were in lower status positions than their male colleagues, even where age and rank were similar. (p. 168)
We prefer to point out the ways that …
再逗号,最后为页码。如:Even Einstein recoiled from the implication of quantum mechanics that reality is an illusion (Gribbin, 1984, p.2).
如果间接引文中提到了作者的姓,括号中无须标出作者的姓,如:Gould (1989)
attributes Darwin’s success to his gift for making the appropriate metaphor;如果引文中既提到了作者的姓又提到了时间,那就无需加注,但是在references中要反映出来。如:In a 1989 article, Gould explores some of Darwin’s most effective metaphors. 当某个作品在参考书目中没有作者信息(以作品名等开头),文中引言以作品名的缩
The National Endowment for the Humanities supports “theoretical and critical studies of the arts” but not work in the creative or performing arts (Guidelines, 1995, p. 1).
Change in the Medical College Admissions Test to begin in 1991 are expected to encourage more student to pursue in the humanities, natural sciences, and social sciences (“New Exam,” 1989 )
参考文献(references):先英文, 后中文。我们采用APA格式,包括:作者名;出版年;书名;地点: 出版社。或者作者名;出版年月;文章名;刊物名及卷号及页码。
1. 独著
Mackendric, P. (1962). The Greek Stones Speak: The Story of Archaeology in Greek Lands.
New York: St. Martin’s Press.
2. 合著(二名作者)
Meltzer, M. & Harding, W. (1962). A Thoreau Profile. New York: Crowell.
3. 合著(三到五名作者)
Millar, A. J., Straume, M., Chory, J., Chua, N. H., Kay, S. A. (1995, 24 February). The
regulation of circadian period by photo transduction pathways in Arabidopsis.
4 合著 (六名以上作者)
在references中,所有作者的姓及名的首字母都要列出,但是在正文的引语中只需提到第一作者,其它作者用et al.替代,如:(Millar et al., 1992, p. 127)
5. 合著(以单位名称开始)
United States Capitol Society. (1964).We, the People: The Story of the United States Capitol.
Washington D. C. National Geographic Society.
6. 合著(以标题开始)
We, the People: The Story of the United States Capitol. (1964). By United States Capitol
Society. Washington D. C. National Geographic Society.
7. 著作(一卷以上)
Graves, R. (1955). The Greek Myths. 2 vols. Baltimore, Md.: Penguin.
Graves, R. (1955). The Greek Myths. Baltimore, Md.: Penguin, Vol. II.(说明来直某一卷)
Dreiser, T. (1959). Sister Carrie. Ed. Kenneth S. Lynn. New York: Rinehart.
如果资料来直编著中的某一个作者,则把该作者的姓名放在开头。 如:
Lynn, K. S. (1959). ed. Sister Carrie. By Theodore Dreiser. New York: Rinehart, 1959.
9. 引用同一作者在一本书中的内容
Thomas, L. (1974). The Long Habit. In the Lives of a Cell: Notes of a Biology Watcher. New
York: Viking, pp. 47-52.
10. 引用多名作者在一本书中的内容
Dimock, G. E., Jr. (1963). The Name of Odysseus. In Essays on the Odyssey: Selected
Modern Criticism. Ed. Charles H. Taylor. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, pp. 54-72
11. 再版
Orstein, R. E. (1977). The Psychology of Consciousness. 2nd ed. New York: Harcourt.
12. 重印
Weston, J. L. (1957). From Ritual to Romance. London: 1920; rpt. Garden City, N. Y. :
13. 译著
Freud, Sigmund. (1950). Totem and Taboo. Trans. Hames Strachey. New York: Norton.
Strachey, J, trans. (1950). Totem and Taboo. By Sigmund Freud. New York: Norton.
14. 援引百科全书中的某篇文章
Spilhaus, A.& Jane J. S. (1974). Pollution Control. Encyclopedia Britannica: Macropaedia.
如果文章作者姓名不详细,就可以把文章名放在前面 Pollution. (1963). The Columbia Encyclopedia.
15. 编页码的报刊或杂志中的一篇文章
Delbruck, M. (1978) Mind from Matter? The American Scholar, 47, 339-353.
16. 报纸上的一篇文章
Strout, R. L. (1978, Nov. 10). Another Bicentennial. Christian Science Monitor, pp. 27.
17. 编著中的文章或章节
Burghardt, G.. M. (1984). On the origin of play. In P. K. Smith (Ed.), Play in animals and
humans (pp. 5-42). Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
Olney, J. (1980). Autobiography and the cultural moment: A thematic, historical, and
bibliographical introduction. In J. Olney (Ed.), Autobiography: Essays theoretical and critical (pp. 3-27). Princeton: Princeton University Press.
18. 网络上的文章
Taylor, C. (1992, August 10 ). Reflections on windows word processing. Buffer: The
Newsjournal of Computing at the University of Denver [on-line]. Available Internet: http: // www. nytimes.com/…