
2022-09-03 09:39:19   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《有关于水果的英语情景口语》,欢迎阅读!


1.To compare “apples and oranges” is to uselessly compare unlike things. 对比两个不相干的事物,没有意义。

2.The “apple of one’s eye” is a favorite or well-like person. 掌上明珠。

3.To say that “the apple never falls far from the tree” is to suggest that a person’s personality traits are close to those of the person’s parents.


4.“As American as apple pie” means that something is quintessentially representative of American culture or values.


5.“As sure as God made little green apples” suggests certainty. 毫无疑问的,暗示可能性。

6.To be a “bad apple” or a “rotten apple” is to be a bad person. 坏蛋。

7.“one bad or rotten apple spoils the whole bunch or barrel” implies that one flawed element or person can undermine an effort or a group. 一条臭鱼腥了一锅汤。

8.To be “rotten to the core” is to be thoroughly bad or worthless. 坏透了,完全没价值。

9.To “polish one’s apple” is to flatter someone; a flatterer is an “apple polisher.

阿谀奉承某人;apple polisher马屁精。

10.To “upset the apple cart” is to ruin plans. 破坏计划

11.A “banana republic” is a weak or corrupt country. 香蕉共和国。指国家弱或者腐败

12.A “second banana” is a subordinate, and the “top banana” is the leader.

Second banana是下属,top banana指领袖,领导。

13.To “go bananas” is to become excited or crazed, and “to drive someone bananas” is to annoy or irritate someone.

Go bananas变兴奋变疯狂,to drive someone bananas惹怒某人。 15.To “cherry-pick” is to select carefully. 精挑细选。

16.“Life is a bowl of cherries” means that life is easy.

生活像一碗樱桃,暗指生活美好简单。同理如果说人生不如意十之八九就可以这样说:Life isn’t always a bowl of cherries.

17.To “not give a fig” is to be unconcerned. 不在乎。

18.“Melon” is sometimes used as slang for head or, vulgarly, for large breasts.

“Melon”甜瓜,俚语中有时表示“头“,粗俗的说也可表示”大胸“。 19.To say that someone or something is a “peach” means that they are beautiful, excellent, or sweet.


20.When everything is “peaches and cream,” life is going well. 指生活很顺利。

21.A “plum” assignment or job is a highly coveted one.


22.One is said to have “sour grapes” when one belittles something one covets but cannot obtain.


23.Forbidden fruit”is something attractive but not allowed. 禁果,指吸引人诱惑人但却不能碰的事物。 24. To “bear fruit” is to produce results. 有结果,有成果。


