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创作;朱本晓 2022年元月元日

高中英语阅读训练Chinese scientific researchers should raise their sense

of anxiety, expert

Chinanews, Beijing, Apr. 18 China lags behind developed countries by at least two generations in developing core() technologies. Chinese scientific researchers should have a sober mind to this fact and raise their sense of anxiety in catching up with developed countries, said Li Guojie, an academician from the Chinese Academy of Engineering.

He made the statement when invited to deliver a speech at the China Science and Humanities Forum on Monday afternoon. The forum was hosted by the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (GSCAS).

Li, who is also head of the Computer Technology Research Institute under the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said that as far as he knew, China lagged behind developed countries by at least two generations in the development of some core technologies, such as chips or computers. "For chips, it normally takes two years to develop one generation of chips. So in chip industry, China lags behind developed countries by at least four years," he said. He hoped that by 2021, Chinese science researchers could narrow the gap with developed countries to within one generation in chip design.

For thousands of years, or for at least two thousand years, China had remained as a strong nation in the world. Chinese people shouldn't lack confidence in themselves with the thinking that China can not become a strong nation in the world. On the



创作;朱本晓 2022年元月元日

other hand, we should also admit that China has experienced many difficulties in the past two centuries. If the young people of a nation lack ambitions and pursue material gains too much, the nation will become less cohesive. On the whole, it takes time for China to achieve resurgence in the world, Li said, adding that he has “high expectations for the Chinese young people. 根据文章内容,答复以下问题:

1. What should Chinese scientific researchers do to narrow the gap between China

and developed countries in core(核心) technologies?

2. When did Li Guojie, an academician from the Chinese Academy of Engineering make

the statement?

3. Till when did he hope Chinese science researchers could narrow the gap with

developed countries within one generation in chip design?

4. If the young people of a nation lack ambitions and pursue material gains too

much, what will the nation become?

励志赠言经典语录精选句;挥动**,放飞梦想。 厚积薄发,一鸣惊人。

关于努力学习的语录。自古以来就有许多文人留下如头悬梁锥刺股的经典的,而近代又有哪些经典的高中励志赠言出现呢?小编筛选了高中励志赠言句经典语录,看看是否有些帮助吧。 好男儿踌躇满志,你将如愿;真巾帼灿烂扬眉,我要成功。 含泪播种的人一定能含笑收获。 贵在坚持、难在坚持、成在坚持。 功崇惟志,业广为勤。 耕耘今天,收获明天。

成功,要靠辛勤与汗水,也要靠技巧与方法。 常说口里顺,常做手不笨。

不要自卑,你不比别人笨。不要自满,别人不比你笨。 高三某班,青春无限,超越梦想,勇于争先。 敢闯敢拼,**协力,争创佳绩。



