
2022-10-10 02:48:21   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《英语暑假计划》,欢迎阅读!

篇一:暑假计划 Plan for Summer Holiday暑假计划 Plan for Summer Holiday

Afterthe challenng College Entrance Eamination, my antipated summer holiday hasbegun.

I will have a long ter holiday for almost three month. But I havealready planned for it.

Firstly, I will have a good rest at home and spend sometime with my parents.

I studied at school before, so I don't have much time tocompany them.

And then, I want to take a part-time job.

I have graduated fromsenior school, and I think that a part-time job can help me being independent.

Ihope what I learn in school will be helpful to my new job. After earning somemoney, I want to have an after-graduation trip that I have been dreaming of fora very long time.

My first choe is iamen, whh is an attractive city. Whenthe trip ends, it's time for the college.


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A 计划


英语阅读材料中,最简单的是专业文章,其次是新闻,最难的是小说。我大学花了半年多时间就毫不费力的可以读懂纽约时报,但是直到大学毕业2年才能勉强读完Da Vinci Code。但是真的读完一本几百页的小说,带来的成就感是读几篇文章难以比拟的。



另外 “se and the city”一书中也有大量的美句,都值得摘抄,比如 1 Women are incredibly smart, they travel, they pay taes, they'll spend 400 bucks on a pair of Manolo Blahnik stry sandals

2 I left feeling powerful, potent and incredibly alive- nothing and no one could get in my way

3 Women fall into one of two categories-beautiful and boring, or homely and interesting.

4 tend to have the kind of deluded self-confidence that caused men like Ross Perot to run for president; tend to live an empty, haunted

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life of stunted adolescence; tend to always order two eggs Benedt and one spinach omelet.

5 What's the feeling of wearing patchouli in a room full of chanel? 6 Being beautiful is like having a rent-controlled (

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