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brian: i wonder why i am so tall?
dario: probably because your parents are tall.
brian: but they are both short.
dario: maybe your grandparents were tall then?
brian: i don't think so. i have seen photos of my grandfather and he seemed pretty small.
dario: there is only one solution then.
brian: what's that?
dario: you must be adopted!
brian: bye, dario!
dario: where are you going in such a hurry?
brian: i am going home to ask my parents if i am adopted or not!
布莱恩:我奇怪我为什么这么高? 达瑞欧:可能因为你的父母很高。 布莱恩:但是他们都很矮。
布莱恩:我可不觉得。我曾经看过我的爷爷的照片,他看起来挺小的。 达瑞欧:那么只有一种解答了。 布莱恩:是什么?
达瑞欧:你一定是被领养的! 布莱恩:再见,布莱恩! 达瑞欧:你这么着急要去哪儿?
new words 新单词
1) futz: to cheat, rob, steal 偷:欺骗,抢劫,偷
my friends used to think that it was ok to futz candy from the shop until they got caught by the police.
2) five-finger discount: to steal something. 五个手指的打折:偷东西。
doing the five-finger discount is like taking a short cut to jail! 偷东西就像是走一条去监狱的捷径!
3) intense: very serious 紧张:非常严肃
there are times when you have to be intense and then there are other times when you should relax.
4) skanky: repulsive person, ugly, unattractive 丑,烦人的:使人反感的人,丑,不吸引人的
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a really skanky girl pinched my bum in a nightclub last night. 昨晚在酒吧,一个很招人烦的女孩捏我的屁股。
jessie: do you consider yourself as a winner or a loser?
tina: i am definitely a winner.
jessie: have you ever been a loser?
tina: not really. but i have done some loser things in my life.
jessie: like what?
tina: remember that really skanky guy that i dated a few years ago?
jessie: oh yeah! he was a real loser.
tina: maybe, but i was a loser to date him!
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