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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《英语版的毕业论文.doc》,欢迎阅读!

吉普赛是1个拥有着苦难开展史并保存着自己民族传统的流浪民族,-奇异的吉普赛精灵 - 语言文学论文。19世纪上半期欧洲浪漫主义文学处于上升的时期,文学家秉着“自然”、“激情”的美学追求把目光投向了吉普赛人,并乐于把1些吉普赛女性作为文学表现的对象,其中代表性作品有雨果的《巴黎圣母院》、普希金的《茨冈》、梅里美的《卡门》。《巴黎圣母院》中的爱斯梅哈尔达是真善美的化身,是内美外秀的优美之精灵,《茨冈》中的金斐拉是纯朴自然的朴素之精灵,而《卡门》中的卡门那么是放纵不羁,奉行“不自由,毋宁死”的野性之精灵。这3个吉普赛女性形象虽然各具特色,但她们都具有吉普赛女性优美的形体、自然状态的爱情观与生存方式。 ABSTRACT

The gypsy is having the misery history and retains own nationality tradition to roam about the nationality. On 19th century half issue of European romanticism literature is in the rise the time,

The writer is holding "the nature", "the fervor" esthetics pursue went to Gypsy the vision, And is glad some gypsy females takes the literature performance the object, Representative work has "Notre Dame cathedral", Pushkin "Tribulus Post", Merimee "Carmen"."The Notre Dame cathedral" center love Hall reaches is the true, the good and the beautiful incarnation, is in outside America Xius exquisite demon, "Tribulus Post" center Jin Feila is the

simple natural simple demon, But "Carmen" center Carmen is unconventional, carries out "is not free, does not do " demon of the fond of the countryside. These three gypsies feminine image although each characteristic, But they all have the gypsy females exquisite physique, natural state love view and the survival way.

