
2022-10-05 06:51:49   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《毕业论文摘要范文(中英双语)》,欢迎阅读!

企业发展战略就是企业为寻求和维持持久竞争优势而作出的有关全局的筹划和谋略,企业要在激烈的市场竟争中适应环境的变化,准确、有效地把握在环境变化中不断涌现的机遇和 商机,并不断获得发展壮大,必需有明晰的企业发展战略。 2021年,经济刺激计划和宽松货泉政策的支撑下,世界经济复苏势头较为强劲。进入2021年以来,世界经济短期向好,但是面临多方面复杂因素:地震和海啸致使日本经济陷入负增长,中东北非大势动荡不安,欧洲主权债务危机愈演愈烈,美国国债危机导致主权信用等级下调,大宗商品价格上涨引发新兴经济体通胀压力增大。这为世界经济增长带来新的不确定性,加上各国经济刺激计划基本结束,世界经济、贸易和工业生产难以保持2021年的反弹

性增长,增速明显放缓。在全球经济日益一体化发展的今天,中国做为全球最大的 新兴经济体,弗成避免地将受到严重影响,人民币不断升值、大宗原材料价格快速上涨、技术工人短缺及汽车行业发展放缓,致使企业竞争加剧,利润空间下滑,企业面临着严竣的外部环境。在新经济形势下求保留,在激烈竞争下求发展,在发展战略角度下寻求企业更大的发展空间,成为急切的研究课题。 本文从企业战略办理的基本理论出发,应用企业战略办理的分析模型和方式,结合及汽车散热器制造业的行业特点,对法拉达公司在新经济形势下的企业发展战略进行研究从而确定适合公司发展的发展战略及实施发展战略的法子,为公司的下一步发展指明了明确的标的目的。



The Plans and strategies that an enterprise made for seeking and maintaining long-term competitive edge are the enterprise development strategy. A business enterprise must have a clear development strategy if he wants to adapt to environmental changes, to accurately and effectively seize the opportunity with it and make constant development and progress in the intense market competition.

In 2021, the world economy recovered more robustly in support of the Stimulus Package and Quantitative Easing Policy. Since 2021, the world economy continued to improve in short term, but faced complex factors in many ways: the earthquake and tsunami plunged Japanese economy into negative growth, the turbulence in Middle East and North Africa, the increasingly fiercely sovereign-debt crisis in Europe, debt crisis in the U.S led it's sovereign credit rating to be lowered, bulk commodity price rise triggered Emerging Economies being under pressure. All these brought fresh uncertainty to world economic growth. In addition, the stimulus package of countries has basically come to an end, the world economy, trade and industrial production have difficulties to maintain rebound growth 2021 level and slow down obviously. Facing the economic globalization, China, as the world's largest Emerging Economies, inevitably will be put under bad influence of the appreciation of Chinese Yuan, the rapid rising of raw material price, the shortage of skilled workers, the slowdown of motor industry, the stinging competition among enterprises, the decreasing of profit and the severe external environment. It has become an urgent research subject for the company to survive in the Emerging Economies, to develop in fierce competition, to seek more room for development form the view of development strategy.

In this thesis, starting from the basic theory of Strategic Management, applying the analytical

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mode and method of it and combining the the characteristics of car radiator manufacturing, we conducts a study of the development strategy of Faret Company under situation of Emerging Economies, so as to identify a suitable development strategy and corresponding implementation measures, to direct a more clear way for company's further development.

Key words:

Faret Company; Car Radiator Manufacturing; Development Strategy

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