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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《四年级英语故事教学案例TheLittleBear1》,欢迎阅读!

The Little Bear


The little bear has a magic stick. It can make his wishes come true.

One day, the little bear is walking in the forest. He sees a bird. It is flying in the sky. It has two beautiful wings. “Iwant two beautiful wings. I wish I can fly like a bird. he says to the magic stick. Two beautiful wings come out on his back and he can fly like a bird now. He is very happy.

The little bear sees a kangaroo. It is jumping. It has two strong back legs. “Iwant two strong back legs. I wish I can jump like a kangaroo. he says to the magic stick. His back legs become very strong and he can jump very far. He is very happy.

The little bear comes to a river. He sees an elephant near the river. He asks, What are you doing here, Mr Elephant? ”“ mIdrinking water, little bear, the elephant says. You can drink with your nose. How interesting! the little bear says enviously. “Iwant a long nose, too. he says to the magic stick. His nose becomes very long. He is very happy.

Now, the little bear has a long nose, two beautiful wings and two strong back legs. He goes back home happily. But his mother doesn trecognize him now and pushes him out. He feels sad. He goes to see his friends. They run away, because he looks like a monster. The little bear feels very lonely and sad. He says to the magic stick, “Idon tlike the bird s wings. I want a bear s nose and bears legs.

Soon the little bear looks as the same as before. He lives with his mother and plays with his friends happily. 二、 与句型

主要 walking, flying, jumping, drinking 主要句型: What are you doing? I m

I wish



四、 明: 本故事依照《 PEP 小学 》五年 下册第五 元的授内容 而成。 五、授 与授 1.教 学生每人

little bear 要修 听故事 依照情

little bear 画像,后在全班交流 各自的作品。本活 旨在激 学生听故事的 趣,

理清故事情 学生在笑声中 会故事的寓意: 不要 是敬羡 人的 必定真 自我 有真 就是享受快

2.教 填空 ,要修生口 完成填空。在全班交流前, 学生在四人小 行充分的

1The little bear sees a bird. It is __________. It has ____________. He says to the magic stick, ____________________

(2) The little bear sees a kangaroo. It is __________. It has ____________. He says to the magic stick, ____________________

(3) The little bear sees an elephant. It is __________. It has ____________. He says to the magic stick, ____________________

此活 主要 学生的口 表达能力,帮助学生分段复述故事。

3.教 出几种假 ,若是 little bear 在回家从前 碰到了 monkeygoosegiraffe 物, 生什么 的故事, 学生以四人小 位, 共同 故事。 个活 旨在培养学生的 新精神, 学生的 能力。


