酒店管理系统的设计与实现 - 硕士学位论文(专业:软件工程)

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酒店管理系统的设计与实现 - 硕士学位论文(专业:软件工程

大连理工大学 硕士学位论文

酒店管理系统的设计与实现 姓名:佟焕然 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:软件工程 导教师:曹晓东




本论文软件技术部分涉及酒店系统的开发和集成。首先论述了开发平台的搭建:前端开发工具为Visual Foxpro 80,后端数据库的开发工具为SQL Server 2000,前端和后端的结合采用ODBC技术,操作系统的选择为Windows 20000。接着论述了系统的实现,包括主要功能的实现和数据库及安全的实现。并论述了系统测试的各个环节。总结了本次开发的经验、问题与展望。


关键词:MIs:酒店软件开发;VFPSOLServer;Design and Realization of Hotel MIS Abstract

With the developing of the Enterprise Information System and

broadapplication of the computer network teeologyitis the obvious trend toutillzcomputechnology in Enterprise Information ManagementThemdernized

hotel collects the guest room,food and beverage,coIIⅡIlunication,amusementcommercial culture sad other various kinds of services andfacilities are the integrated consumption placebecause the hotel organizeshugelythere are many service itemsso the amount of information is largeif you want to improve labor producelower costsimprove the servicequality and management levelpromote the economic benefitsmust carry onthe modernized information management through the computerThis article bases on the hotel information system of Dalian LiangyuHoteldiscusses the requirement analysis and design and detailed processof ERP to enterprisesThis artitle explains the conceptfunction sad development of MIS andERP svstemThen enumerates several trends of international hotelinformation system development

This article discusses hotel information system need analysis

processPossibanalysanalysity is the necessary preparation for need analysis processNeedprocess stands at the points of userIt is needed to detailedfor meet the user’s needs.Then the art icle discusses hotel

systemdetailed design processIt includes the analysis of information currentthe design of system structuredesign of system functiondesign ofdatabasedesign of security etc

The software technical part of this article discusses hotel

systemdevelopment and otherFirstit discusses the design of development terraceThe front’s development Tool is Visual Foxpro 8.0.The back’s

developmenttool is SQL Server 2000The combination of the front and the back is ODBC

The Operate System is Windows 2000 Second it

discussesystemrealizationIt includes the realization of system main functiondatabaseand security etcthis article also discusses hotel information systemtesting and discusses the problem and experience and outlookThe researching of hotel information system in thi s paper has

beenapplied successfully in Dalian Liangyun hotel and gained well applicatieffectIt has broadly application foreground KeyWordsMIShoteI software developmentVFPSOL Server




大酒店是集客房、写字间、公寓、中、西餐厅、会议室、康乐、桑拿、夜总会等为一体的四星级涉外酒店。酒店于20006月被国家旅游局评定为”四星级饭店”。2002-2021年连续三年荣获辽宁省最佳星级饭店、省市精神文明单位、辽宁省十大美食和大连市首批食品卫生免检单位等荣誉称号。并于2021年通过了IS0 9001国际质量体系统认证IS0 14001国际环境体系统认证,获得东北首


