仁爱版初中英语八年级上册Unit2 Topic 1 课文翻译及填空(无答案)

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北京仁爱版初中英语年级上册:Unit2 Topic1 翻译填


Section A-1a

Betty:Hello, Kangkang! You don't . ?贝蒂:嗨,康康!你看起来不太舒服。你怎么了?

Kangkang:I have a .康康:我牙疼。

Betty: . You should .贝蒂:那真是太遗憾了。你应该去看牙医。

Kangkang:I think I .康康:我会的。

Betty:I hope you'll .贝蒂:希望你能快点好起来。 Kangkang:Thank you.康康:谢谢。 Section A-2

I have a .头疼 You should 待在床上好好睡一觉。

I 发烧 You should 喝足够的开水

I cant sleep well 晚上. You shouldnt 在晚上喝咖啡或茶

I 背疼。 You shouldnt 提重物。 Section B-1a

Steve:Hey, Bruce. You don't look well. ?史蒂夫:嘿,布鲁斯。你看起来不舒服。怎么了?

Bruce:Well, I 'm ! I have a and a .布鲁斯:嗯,我感觉很糟糕。我头疼,还咳嗽。

Steve: . like this?史蒂夫:那真是太遗憾了。你这样多久了?

Bruce:Two days.布鲁斯:两天。

Steve:You may . .史蒂夫:你可能感冒了。你最好吃点药。

Bruce:I think I will.布鲁斯:我会的。

Steve: I take you to the ?史蒂夫:需要我带你去医院吗?

Bruce:No, thank you. I'll and .布鲁斯:不用了,谢谢。我回家去休息。

Section B-3 Illness suggestions and other phrases

发烧: 牙疼: 背疼:

胃疼: 咳嗽: 感冒: 头疼:

做) 看医 看牙医 躺下休息:

(做 多喝开水: 吃太多糖果 叫出租车:

工作久: 喝冷 吃辛辣的食物: 吃药:

夜: 担心: 想要(做) 出事故


It a beautiful day and the played in the .天气很好,孩子们在公园里玩耍。

Maria while Michael on his .玛丽亚在放风筝,迈克尔在玩滑板。

"Look! I'm going to try ," he .“看啊,我要尝试一些新东西,他说。

Michael did a .迈克尔做了一个高难度跳跃动作。

Then the skateboard went up and Michael with a .然后滑板飞了起来,克尔哭着摔了下来。


The children to him and ,其他孩子们都跑过来问他, "Are you all right? Are you ?"“你没事吧?你受伤了吗?

"Oh, my leg, my arm! I feel !" Michael .“噢,我的腿,我的胳膊!太难受了!迈克尔叫道。

"I think you should see a ," said Kangkang, "I'll a ."“我觉得你应该去看医生,康康说,我来叫辆出租车。

Jane and Maria poor Michael.简和玛丽亚照顾着可怜的迈克尔。 "My leg really ," he said.“我的腿好疼,他说。

Soon the taxi came and Michael and his friends the hospital.很快出租车就来了,把迈克尔和他的朋友们带到医院。

The doctor them, "The show that it's not .医生告诉他们,“X光显示没有什么大问题。

You can .你们可以带他回家。

Michael, you at home for a week.迈克尔,你需要在家休息一周。

Here are some .这里有一些药。Take two , a day."每天吃三次,一次两颗。

The children the hospital.孩子们离开了医院。 Kangkang helped Michael to walk.康康帮助迈克尔行走。

They were glad that the wasn't and Michael much . 他们很庆幸这次意外不严重,迈克尔感觉好多了。 SectionC-3 The note for leave(请假条) Dear Miss Wang,

I’m to tell you that I yesterday. I my left leg. The

doctor told me to stay in bed for a week and . So I’d like to 请假一周. I hope I’ll and school . Thank you!

Yours sincerely, Michael


