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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《《救赎》:“得救之道就在其中”》,欢迎阅读!
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安迪杜弗伦(Andy Dufresne)沉冤狱中19年,这是他与道貌岸然的典狱长诺顿(Norton的第一次正面交锋。诺顿平时总以卫道士的嘴脸自居,私下却干尽坏事。他风闻安迪入狱前是个银行家,借查房之名试探安迪,想让安迪帮他洗黑钱。这段对白中两次引用圣经原文,场景不同,各有指代。

Norton: Pleased to see you reading this. Any favorite passages?

Andy: "Watch ye, therefore, for ye know not when the master of the house cometh."

Norton: Mark 13:35. I've always liked that one. But I prefer "I am the light of the world. He that followeth me shall have the light of life." Andy: John, chapter 8, verse 12.

Norton: I hear you're good with numbers. How nice. Man should have a skillexplain this. Andy: It's called a rock blanket. It's for shaping and polishing rocks. A little hobby of mine. Norton: It's pretty clean. Some contraband here, but nothing to get in a twist over. I can't say I approve of this. But I suppose exceptions can be made. Lock them up! I almost forgot. I'd hate to deprive you of this. Salvation lies within. Andy: Yes, sir.


看到安迪手里拿着一本圣经,诺顿借机搭讪:“很高兴看到你读圣经。有什么喜的段落么?”——用了两个省略句,都省去了主语和谓语。be pleased to,乐于,满足于。passage节,段。安迪回答了一句马克福音(Mark)第13章第35节中的经文:“所以你们要警醒,因为不知道家主何时到来。 "Watch ye, therefore, for ye know not when the master of the house cometh."


诺顿则说,他更喜欢(prefer)另一句:“我是世界的光。跟从我的,就不在黑暗里走。必要得着生命的光。"I am the light of the world, he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.")语出约翰福音(John)第8章第12句(verse。诺顿是以主比喻自己,也是在暗示安迪,听他的话、按他的吩咐去做才会有活路。

下面,安迪向诺顿解释了用于打磨石头的类似砂纸的磨石毡(rock blanket)之后,诺顿才满意而归。临走,他评价说,这里虽然有一些违禁品(contraband n. 走私品,违法交易)

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但没有重大违规行为。twist,拧,纽,使扭曲,使成螺旋状;twist over,满拧、南辕北辙之类的状况,这里指监狱中的重大违规。get in,陷入„„的状态,达到。

诺顿走形式地说,他对安迪挂的美女海报表示不满(approve of,赞成,满意)。他还差点忘记把圣经还给安迪(deprive sb. of sth.,剥夺某人的某物)。在吩咐狱警锁上(lock up牢门之后,他对安迪说的最后一句话是:“得救之道,就在其中”Salvation lies within


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