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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《立场文件写作格式(中英文)》,欢迎阅读!



首先要概括介绍本议题在当前国际社会上的状况,对整体情况有个大致的了解。然后要介绍联合国和本国就此议题的态度和采取过的行动,要避免冗长的罗列,以能表达立场为目的。接着要详尽阐述本国的立场、观点和计划采取的行动,需要真实、有可行性。最后用最简单的语言总结本国最基本的立场观点。 字号为小四,英文字体为Times New Roman,中文字体为宋体。A4的纸一张,只能少不能多立场文件在会前提交,大会组委会将审阅,评出Best Position Paper奖项,在大会闭幕式颁出。组委会审阅后会将立场文件公布,以便代表能够了解各国立场。 英文立场文件范例:

Position Paper

Delegates: Wang Zheng and Cao Mengyang School: Qingdao NO.2 Middle School Country: The Russian Federation Committee: General Assembly

Topic: International cooperation in anti-terrorism

Before September 11 in 2001, the word “terrorism” meant little to most people. Four years later, counter-terrorism has taken center stage on the agenda for most countries. It has occurred throughout history and in all parts of the world.. Today, as in the past, these groups are motivated by radical ideals, patriotism and religious beliefs. But unlike the past, a single terrorist group can now operate across the globe.

In Russia, Chechnya rebels have become more active in recent years. It has obviously affected the security in Russia and the peace in the world. Russia has taken a lot of powerful measures to anti-terror. And also, Russia would take much stronger counter-terrorism measures this year. Just in October, 2004, the Russian people have been battered by a series of attacks that are nearing the scale and horror of September 11---half of the 330 known dead in the Beslan outrage were schoolchildren.

Last year’s strikes have shown that terrorists will stop at nothing to achieve their ends. The world has no choice but to hang in together to counter them. In this context, Resolution 1373 on counter-terrorism, passed by the United Nations Security Council, is a significant step. Russia was rather active in promoting resolutions like this.

Meanwhile, our government said it would also seek international cooperation on counter-terrorism. Russia believes that counter-terrorism measures should focus more

on effective strategies for social and economic development, information, effective legislation and public security rather than on military solutions.

Russia thinks strengthening international cooperation, plugging channels of terror money flow, enhancing stability and economic development in poor countries and promoting religious tolerance could go a long way in the fight against terror. At last, Russia reaffirms that we will do our utmost to fight with the terror attacks and we hope every state in the world would finally together to anti-terror. 中文立场文件范例:

代表:XX(或XXXX 学校:XX学校


委员会:经社理事会下属科技发展委员会 议题:克隆人中的伦理道德



坦桑尼亚认为,相对于生殖性克隆人违反人类繁衍的自然法则,损害人类作为自然的人的尊严,引起严重的道德、伦理、社会法律问题的影响,治疗性克隆与其有着本质的不同,它并不产生严重的道德、伦理、社会法律问题,如在严格管理和控制下,也不能损害人类尊严。相反,治疗性克隆对于挽救人类生命,增进人类身体健康却有广阔前景和深厚潜力,如把握得当,可以造福人类。因而,我们反对将两个性质不同的问题混为一谈,也反对盲目禁止对克隆技术的研究坦桑尼亚认为,问题的关键在于建立一定的规范利用该项技术为人类造福。于此,坦桑尼亚完全支持并将严格执行第59届联合国大会上达成的关于禁止生殖性克隆人研究的决议,即:联合国成员应禁止任何生殖性克隆行为和相关技术的研究活动,对任何试图通过克隆技术手段达到人类生命繁殖目的的克隆行为,应视为违法并严令取缔。 坦桑尼亚认为:只有建立完善的对治疗性克隆的法律规定及相应的监督机制,而确保体细胞提供者的知情权,确保胚胎细胞究只停留在不具备生命意义的阶段(即未长出神经元),确保不将克隆的胚胎细胞植入人体子宫内,进而确保克隆技术在不违背伦理道德、不侵犯人类尊严的前提下造福人类,如此,才有助于实现全球范围内的治疗性克隆合法化。坦桑尼亚愿与各国一道,为促进治疗性克隆这一将极大地造福人类的技术的发展而不懈努力。

