
2022-09-01 08:31:29   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《美国签证需要用到的个人简历模板(中英文)》,欢迎阅读!


Noimigrnt Vs Rsume Template Nae:Date an ountr of brth:

GnderNme and dae of birth of spouse: (if ppicable Nme and ates o ith of childrn: (if aplicabe)

dress nd Contac nformation:ﻫﻫEducatioLst here all uniersties and higher educaion isitutions ou hav atnded, sarting ith he ot recent. Yo should include he flowing iformatin:ﻫﻫame of universityates o tudyDegre level egre major nd inrsArea of reerh Titl of heis

ﻫﻫWork exprinceList ere al pai and oluntay wor you ave perfome an posiins hed staring ith th most recent. Yu should icude th ollowing iformain:ﻫﻫame of comany, orgnizatio or instituion Jo ites Dates of jos

Dtaied rea of resonsibility, research intersts, pojet desciptions and applications o reearch

Expertise in specal ofware, mahinery op quimet

Aars and patensHave ou receivd/wo an awards eaed to you research or wrk at univesty or at wok? Pese list hese. D you hod ay patns? ist ame patn number and yer egstere.List of publications

Lst here all our publicaios yo have pulshed in Cin nd vrseas.Include the title of the pubishe atcl, h date it was publised and th name of he magaie, ewspaer boo, etc it was published n.ﻫﻫOthe otside interests/xprienc Lis ere any club you belog to, an mmberships you hld, your interests and hobbis

Othr skillsor exmple coputer skils, languages you speak drier's liense or othr permits, etc Trvel

Have you ever raveled vrseas? List couties, purpose n ates of traveﻫﻫtatement of IntetFor stuents and exchane s

holars:Popsed StdyGve a bie but detailed escription o prposd area of stdy, including esearch methods nd aplications of te reeach

State spervisors/professors name and his/he area of expetise State intiutio ad departmnt hre this esarch is to be doneFor usiness-rlaed rvl:

Poposed sceduleﻫﻫSat names of contacts i the US, nlding th name f he company, thir job itl and rea of expertise/buinessnclde an itinerary of rvel detailing dtes, ciie to be vited, opaie n peope o be isted i eah iy

Dtile onent, ste and legth f ay raining t be attedd as wel as applctins of this trinng

Details of confernces, metings, exibtions with dates contc info nd purpose of atending




性别:名称及配偶出生日期:(如适用)姓名和孩子的出生日期:(如适用) 地址及联系方式: 教育经历

(列举你参加过的学校学习的情况,按照时间的倒叙记录,内容应包括以下:) 大学名称在校时间 学位

专业研究领域 论文题目 ﻫﻫ工作经验



工作的日期详细领域的责任,研究方向,项目说明和研究中的应用在特殊软件技术,机械备运奖和专利你收到/获得有关你的研究奖励或在大学工作或在工作?请列出这些。 你是否拥有任何专利?列表名称,专利号和7330。出版物列表





对于商务或旅游签证申请者: 拟议时间表

国名在美国的接触,包括公司名称,他们的职位和专业领域/业务 包括详细的行程日期,要访问的城市,企业和市民,在每个城市访问 详细的内容,网站和任何培训的长度将出席的,以及这种培训申请 详细的会议,会议的日期,联系信息和参加展览的目的

