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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《关于水的中英文议论文》,欢迎阅读!

关于水的中英文议论文 篇一:水的重要性

当我们扭开水龙头,无情的浪费水时、当我们高兴的玩水时&&们有没有想过水源会不会干涸。水是生命之源,我们所拥有的水资源并不是无限的。 那一次,我看了一篇文章,它使我深受启发。文章讲的是:在一个水源丰富、美丽富饶的地方,人们丰衣足食,显然不为水源上的事担忧。可正是因为他们不担忧水源上的事,而毫无止境的浪费水源每次,人们如果看到自己从井里取来的水有一点不新鲜、不满意,就会把这可贵的水泼到水沟里,哪怕满满一盆水。还有,他们那儿小孩子最爱玩水了,并且消耗量非常大,每天就要消耗6盆以上的水&&时间长了,这个水源丰富、美丽富饶的地方渐渐的变成了一片水源匮乏旱灾严重的灾区。 地球上的水很多很多,据估计,水的总体面积约为138亿立方千米。如果将这些水平均分布于地球表面,相当于地球整个表面覆盖着一层平均深度为2650米的水。但是十分可惜,这些水98%是咸水,主要分布在海洋中。据我从书上得知:人们所使用的水几乎都是淡水。但是淡水只占地球水总量的2%,因此地球上的人们能吃的水源少的可怜。 正因为这样,我们更要保护好水资源,把保护水资源,从我做起这一句话宁记在心。当然,我们也不能光说不做。当我们扭开水龙头时要记住些什么、当我们看到别人浪费水资源时又要劝告些什么&&年级:孟明烁


as we know , water is very important to man, we can’t live without water. the amount of water which is suitable to drink is less and less. but some people don’t care about it .they waste a lot of water in their daily life. even worse, they pour dirty water in to rivers. they throw rubbish into rivers , too. many rivers and lakes are seriously polluted.something must be done to stop the pollution. only in this way can we live happily. if we don’t save

water, the last drop of water will be a tear-drop of us.

we know that despite the fact that seventy percent of the earths surface is covered with water, only a little part of it is fresh water. yet the demand for fresh water in our daily life and in industry seems great. moreover, with the expansion of the population and development of industry, the amount of the fresh water needed will increase even rapidly. it is estimated that if such a trend continues, the fresh water on earth will be exhausted very soon. what is worse, more and more water resources are being polluted, making the water unfit to use.

in addition,we must warn the people of the importance of water and the danger we are facing.for example, in most asian societies where rice is the staple food, the water used after cleaning rice contains various nutrients for plant growth and is an excellent detergent to flush the toilet. furthermore, the intriguing idea of converting the inexhaustible sea water to fresh water supplies will be the ultimate solution.

篇二:中英文作文水的重要性() the importance of water() 水的重要性(一)

the importance of water(一)

it is well-known that water is indispensable in existing, in producing and in living. and we should

not waste of a drop of water.


first, water is definitely important for life. as is known to us all, water is necessary to sup

port life. without water, human beings, animals and plants cannot exist at all.

