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大学生英语演讲稿: The Return Day of Hong
on july 1st, 1997, this day was a very meaningful day for every chinese. on this special day, after great britain had occupied it for 155 years and japan had occupied it during the world war ii, hong kong has finally returned to our motherland, china. in 1842, after the government of qing dynasty had lost battle for great britain, china had to sign an unfair contract, the treaty of nanking with the england. according to the contract, hong kong would be ruled by the great britain for 99 years. deng xiaoping, who had made great contribution to the return of hong kong, first put forward the policy “one country, two systems”, try to rule the country by this way. the history has
第 1 页proved that we walk on the right path. under the one country two-system policy, the whole country develops fast and stable. this year is the 17th year after hong kong has returned to china. the history has told us that lagging behind, you’ll be bullied and humiliated. we should look into the future, but never fet about the past. try our best to build our country into a strong and prosper one.
方针政策,试着用这一政策治理国家。历史已经证明,我们走上了一条正确的道路。在一国两制的方针政策下,我们的国家快速稳定的发展。 今年是香港回归的第17个年头。历史告诉我们:落后就要挨打。我们应该展望未来,但是也不能遗忘过去。努力把我们的祖国建设成一个强大、繁荣的国家!
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