研究生英语 翻译 答案

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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《研究生英语 翻译 答案》,欢迎阅读!

1. Visual cues from audience members can indicate that a speech is dragging , that the speaker

is dwelling on a particular point for too long , or that a particular point requires further explanation


2. But art history focuses on much more than this because art reflects not only the political

values of a people , but also religious beliefs , emotions , and psychology. 但是艺术史注意的不仅仅是这些,因为艺术不仅反映了一个民族的政治价值,也反应了他们宗教信仰,感情和心理特点。

3. One widely held belief is that a sharp fright will end a troublesome bout of hiccups , but

many people prefer just waiting for them to go away as this “cure” is often worse than the ailment itself . 一个普遍认同的观点是,猛然的惊吓会止住一阵讨厌的打嗝,但是很多人更愿意等待打嗝自然过去,因为这种“止隔得方法”往往比打嗝本身更加的糟糕。

4. That our environment had little, if anything, to do with our abilities, characteristics and

behavior is central to this theory. 这种理论的核心是,我们的环境同我们的才能、性格特征和行为即使有什么关系的话,也是微不足道的。

5. And I take heart from the fact that the enemy, which boasts that it can occupy the strategic

point in a couple of hours , has not yet been able to take even the outlying regions , because of the stiff resistance that gets in the way. 敌人吹嘘能在几个小时内就占领战略要地,由于受到顽强抵抗,甚至还没有能占领外围地带,这一事实使我增强了信心。

6. A physically mature female deer in good condition who has conceived in November and

given birth to two fawns during the end of May or first part of June , must search for food for the necessary energy not only to meet her body’s needs but also to produce milk for her fawns. 一只成熟健壮的母鹿,在十一月怀胎,五月底或六月初生下两只幼鹿,这时,她必须寻找食物以获得必要的能量,这不仅是为了满足自身的需要,而且也是为了给幼鹿生产乳汁。 7. The president said at a press conference dominated by questions on yesterday’s election

results that he could not explain why the Republicans had suffered such a widespread defeat, which in the end would deprive the Republican Party of long-held superiority in the House. 在主要问及昨天选举结果的记者招待会上,总统说他无法解释为何共和党遭到如此惨痛的失,这最终会使共和党丧失在众议院长期以来享有的优势。

8. The second aspect is the application by all members of society from the government official

to the ordinary citizen, of the special methods of thought and action that scientists use in their work.


9. The method was largely developed by physicists , chemists and biologists ; it was later

adopted by people working in such areas as education, psychology and sociology , where the subjects of research were often people.



10. David Cameron will lead a high-powered UK business and government mission to China today

in an attempt to boost trade and exports with the world’s second-largest economy before this week’s Group of 20 summit in South Korea. 英国首相戴维·卡梅伦今日将率领阵容强大的政商界代表团访华,以期促进对中国这个全球第二大经济体的贸易与出口。随后,卡梅伦将出席本周于韩国举行的20国集团(G20)峰会。 11. I believe strongly that it is in the interests of my countrymen that Britain should remain an

active and energetic member of the European Union. 我肯定相信,英国应该继续是欧洲共同体中一个积极而充满活力的成员,这是符合我国人民利益的。

12. But without Adolf Hitler, who was possessed of a demoniac personality, a granite will,

uncanny instincts, a cold ruthlessness, a remarkable intellect, a soaring imagination and until toward the end, when drunk with power and success, he overreached himself an amazing capacity to size up people and situations there almost certainly would never have been a Third Reich.


13. Energy is the currency of the ecological system and life becomes possible only when food is

converted into energy which in turn is used to seek more food to grow , to reproduce and to survive. 能量是生态系统的货币,只有当食物转变成为能量,能量再用来寻找更多的食物以供生长、繁殖和生存时,生命才成为可能。

14. By the middle of the year , he warned , the Soviet Union would overtake the United States in

the number of land based strategic missiles , the result of a massive Soviet effort beginning in the mid 1960s , after the Cuban fiasco, to achieve at least parity and possibly superiority in nuclear weapons.


15. What should doctors say, for example, to a 46-year- old man coming in for a routine physical

checkup just before going on vacation with his family who, though he feels in perfect health, is found to have a form of cancer that will cause him to die within six months ? 比如说一个46岁的男子在于家人外出度假之前进行了常规身体检查,尽管他自己感觉很好,但医生发现他患了某种癌症,6个月内会死亡,这时医生该怎么对他讲呢?

16. American business is much freer than most competitors--which are often restrained by

unions, social policies, and regulations--to hire and fire, reorganize and deploy resources where they will be most productive. 在雇用与解雇,重组和将资源调配到利益最大的部门等方面,美国的商业要比其他众多被集社会政策及惯例约束的竞争者要自由得多。

17. Law-and-order is the longest-running and probably the best-loved political issue in American

history. Yet it is painfully apparent that millions of Americans, who would never think of themselves as lawbreakers, let alone criminals, are increasingly taking liberties with the legal codes that are designed to protect and nourish their society.



