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Do you always not be able to get out of your bed?
Do you always put off your important work later..later and later?
Have you ever stayed up late to do your homework or prepared for tomorrow’s exams?
If you often do such things like these,maybe you have had the procrastination.
1.What is procratination? 2.Reasons for procrastination
3.Negative effects of procrastination 4.How to overcome procrastination
1.Basically,procratination is the act of putting off essential tasks until a later time. And,it usually results from great stress and anxiety.
Maybe everyone has experienced the following psychological changes
At first,when we receive a essential task, a deadline is set,maybe there is one week until the assignment is handed in.Then,we will own the false sence of security that we have a plenty of time.But,as time gose by,we will talk to ourselves,for example,”I will get started soon or I only work well under pressure.” At last,panic and stress is really coming.And,at that time,maybe you will say:”Oh,no!the assighment should be handed in tomorrow!” These are all the performance of procrastination.
2.why we suffer from procrastination? There are 4 simple reasons as follows:
Firstly,the task seems too hard for us to do.secondly,our free time is unavailable until the weekend,thirdly,we are lack of knowlegdes and skills.Besides,we don’t want to make a mistake until we’re sure it’s right.At last,the fear everyone will know we made a mistake will also cause procrastination.
However,There are also 3 complex reasons for procrastination that we can’t ignore. The first reason is perfectionism.The person who is a perfectionist,maybe think that if i can’t do it right. I don’t do it at all.The second reason is the hostility to assignments or leaders,if we are hostile to our essential task.we will refuse to take our best efforts to finish the task out of spite.The last reason is low self-evaluation,it will minimize our abilities.
3.What is negative effects of procrastination.
To my mind,missing deadline is the most serious consequence of procrastination.And the quality of our work may suffer,especially if it’s done at the last minite.At the same time ,it can add to our stress levels and affect our life outside work.,such as letting ourselves down ,not achieving our full potential and so on.
4.By the way, Do you know what percentage of people procrastinate?
It’s a surprising number.95%.So,what can we do to overcome procrastination. There are some helpful tips:
Write down our tasks in visible place with their due dates. Make the tasks look easy in our mind. Break the task in several parts.
Modify your environment to encourage accomplishing the task.
Tell your family or friends about your goal.They will motivate you along the way. Reward for yourself for a job well done.
That’s all,thank you for your listening