英语歌谣活动 teddy bear

2022-08-09 12:11:51   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《英语歌谣活动 teddy bear》,欢迎阅读!
英语歌谣活动“Teddy Bear



一、Activity aims

1.认识歌曲中的主人公Teddy Bear,激发儿童对小熊的兴趣而积极参与英语活动。

2.理解并学习短语turn around ,touch the ground, show your shoe的含义,并能区分三个肢体动作。

3.让儿童欣赏歌曲的旋律及节奏,感受歌曲语言的韵律特 点,能自主说出完整的句子。 二、Activity preparations

Teddy Bear手偶、头饰各一个、儿歌磁带或VCD 三、Activity Procedure:

I Warming up: 教师手拿手偶Teddy Bear,并以小熊的语气介绍名字与幼儿问好。 T: Good morning, boys and girls! Do you know who am I? I am your best friend, Teddy Bear. Come and give me a hug! 这时教师可让Teddy Bear幼儿握手或拥抱或亲一下手偶。 IIPresentation:

教师头戴头饰扮演Teddy Bear来演示歌曲中的动作。

T: Turn around ,turn around . Can you turn around like Teddy Bear. Let’s do it together. When I touch your head ,please stand up and turn around like this .教师模仿小熊摸底面时说:Teddy BearTeddy Bear ,touch the ground . 教师带领儿童体验动作,并不断重复touch the ground。之后教师伸出自己的鞋子说Show my shoe ,请个别幼儿到前面伸出鞋子给大家看。

T: “Show your shoe!” ………...



1. Let’s do some exercises.

T: Now children , Let’s do some exercises! Can you stretch yourself like this? And turn yourself around like this . Let’s touch the ground with our hands .Could you show me your shoe? Good baby, that will do ! 2.Touching game

教师带领幼儿touch the ground,然后延伸到身体其它部位。如:eyes ,ears, nose, mouth, face, shoulders, knees, toes.

T: Where is your nose? Please show me your nose. Where are your ears? Show me your ears. How about your shoulders…..

TTeddy BearTeddy Bear , touch your face. Teddy BearTeddy Bear , touch your knees.

教师可带领幼儿触摸教师中的物品,如:bookpenwallchairtable等。也可去区域角进行此游戏活动。 四、End


T: I will make you into two groups .This group will clap your hands and sing the song . You will do the actions.

