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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《幼儿园教案:水果的英语单词学习》,欢迎阅读!
亲宝育儿论坛资源下载 http://home.qqbaobao.com

Ⅰ活动目标(Teaching Aim


(b)当看到卡片时幼儿能认读单词apple,banana,pear. 2教学难点:apple,banana,pear的正确发音。 Ⅱ活动准备(Teaching Aids 1教具准备:ards,教师自制教具。

2经验准备:幼儿在日常生活中对水果有所了解。 Ⅲ活动过程

Step1 Greetings(问候) 教师和孩子相互问候。

T:Hello,Kids. S:Hello,Nancy.

T:How are you? S:Im fine,thank you.and you? T:Im fine too,thank you. Step2 Warm up (热身运动) Fingers turn

Fingers,fingers,turn,turn,turn,turn to an apple,red and red. Fingers,fingers,turn,turn,turn, turn to a banana,long and long. Fingers,fingers,turn,turn,turn, turn to a pear,sweet and sweet. 1教师先边说边做动作做一遍; 2教师教幼儿边说边做动作; 3教师带领幼儿一起边说边做动作。


亲宝育儿论坛资源下载 http://home.qqbaobao.com

Step3 Leading(导入)


2教师做出饥饿的动作,然后问幼儿Where is my apple\banana\pear? 教师带领幼儿一起寻找apple\banana\pear,找到水果后,教师把单词先读两遍。 T:Im hungry,where is my apple?

S(teacher leading kids to find apple)在这里。 T:Oh,its here.apple,apple.. (Leading banana\pear like this) Step4 Presentation(新课呈现)

1apple\banana\pear. apple\banana\pearKiss the Card,Touch the Card游戏来让幼儿加深印象 TApple,read after me,apple. S: Apple.

T: Apple(do the action of kiss the card) S: Apple(do the action of kiss the card) (teaching banana,pear like this)

2把卡片apple banana\pear贴在黑板上,然后问幼儿Whats this?引导幼儿回答apple\banana\pear T: Whats this? S:Apple\banana\pear. Step5 Practice(巩固)

通过游戏Who is the fastest》来巩固单词

亲宝育儿论坛资源下载 http://home.qqbaobao.com

1教师先把幼儿分成两组(groupA,groupB). T: Thses five are groupA,these five are groupB. 2把两组相同的卡片发给GroupA,GroupB.

3教师说单词apple\banana\pear,幼儿要快速找出对应的卡片,哪组快哪就得分。 T: Apple.

S:Choose apple out.

4输的组给予小小的惩罚——读单词apple\banana\pear Step6 Review(复习)

Apple,apple,apple,apple,banana,banana\ pear,pear,pear\pear,pear,pear\banana,banana. 1教师根据《Two Tigers》的调把单词编成歌 2教师先边唱边做动作 3幼儿唱这首歌 4一起唱

Step7 Goodbye(再见) 1师生相互告别 T:Goodbye ,Kids. S: Goodbye,Nancy.

