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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《2022级高一英语网课早读背诵素材(二)》,欢迎阅读!
2022高一英语网课早读背诵素材(二) 826


1. endangered adj.濒危的 11. ability n.能力;才能 2. awake adj.醒着 12. fascinating adj.迷人的;极有吸引力的 3. protection n.保护;保卫 13. impolite adj.不礼貌的;粗鲁的 4. unbelievable adj.难以置信的 14. humorous adj.幽默感的滑稽有趣的 5. encourage v.鼓励 15. widely adv.广泛地 6. celebrate v.庆祝;庆贺 16. process v.加工; 处理 7. pronunciation n.发音;读音 17. complete v.完成 8. patient adj.有耐心的 n.病人 18. awful adj.很坏的;讨厌的 9. memorize v.记忆;记住 19. manage v.完成;应付 10. increase n. & v.增加;增长 20. valuable adj. 贵重的;很有用的;宝贵的

. 必备短语:

8. be proud of 骄傲 1. be thirsty for 渴望;渴求

9. be famous / known for 闻名 2. on the one hand… on the other hand…

10. from time to time有时 一方面另一方面

11. the rest of 剩余的 3. make progress 取得进步

12. stick to sth. 坚持 4. pay attention to 注意;关注

13. look up 抬头看;查阅;好转 5. be born with 天生具有

14. in total 总共; 总计 6. be similar to……相似

15. first of all / to start with/ to begin with 7. deal with 处理;应付



学校英文报YOUTH成功举办10周年,请你写一篇文章投稿,庆祝它创办10周年: 1. 读报经历; 2. 喜爱的栏目; 3. 期待与祝福。 Dear editor,

[祝贺事由]My name is Li Hua, a senior 3 student. I am writing to express/ offer my sincerest congratulations on(向…表示最诚挚的祝贺)the 10th anniversary(周年) ceremony of YOUTH.

[读报经历]Since it was founded(成立), YOUTH has been popular with(欢迎) many students including(包括) me, a regular reader(忠实读者) of YOUTH. The paper’s broad content and rich knowledge have not only widened my horizons(扩大视野) but also given me much enjoyment(给了我很多乐趣). [喜爱的栏目]I am fond of all its columns(栏目), but what impressed me most(最令我印象深刻的) is culture, where I can read humorous(幽默) stories, poems, fictions(小说) and so on to improve my oral English.

[期待与祝福]Please accept my sincere congratulations(接受我真诚的祝福) again and I best wish that YOUTH could achieve greater success() and gain more popularity(赢得更多的读者/更受欢迎). Yours, Li Hua

2022高一英语网课早读默写素材(二) 826


1. _____________ adj.濒危的 2. _____________ adj.醒着

3. _____________ n.保护;保卫 4. _____________ adj.难以置信的 5. _____________ v.鼓励

6. _____________ v.庆祝;庆贺 7. _____________ n.发音;读音

8. _____________ adj.有耐心的 n.病人 9. ____________ v.记忆;记住

10. ___________ n. & v.增加;增长

. 必备短语:

11. ____________ n.能力;才能

12. ____________ adj.迷人的;极有吸引力的 13. ____________ adj.不礼貌的;粗鲁的 14. ____________ adj.幽默感的滑稽有趣的 15. ____________ adv.广泛地

16. ______________ v.加工; 处理 17. ______________ v.完成

18. ______________ adj.很坏的;讨厌的 19. ______________ v.完成;应付

20. ____________ adj. 贵重的;很有用的;宝贵的

8. __________________ 骄傲 1. ________________________ 渴望;渴求

9. __________________ 闻名 2. ________________________

10. _________________ 有时 一方面另一方面

11. _________________ 剩余的 3. ________________________取得进步

12. _________________ 坚持 4. _______________________ 注意;关注

13. _________________ 抬头看;查阅;好转 5. _______________________ 天生具有

14. _________________ 总共; 总计 6. _______________________ ……相似

15. __________________首先;起初 7. _______________________ 处理;应付



学校英文报YOUTH成功举办10周年,请你写一篇文章投稿,庆祝它创办10周年: 1. 读报经历; 2. 喜爱的栏目; 3. 期待与祝福。 Dear editor,

My name is Li Hua, a senior 3 student. I am writing to ________________________________________(向…表示最诚挚的祝贺)the 10th anniversary(周年) ceremony of YOUTH. [读报经历]Since it was founded(成立), YOUTH _____________________(欢迎) many students _______________(包括) me, _________________(忠实读者) of YOUTH. The paper’s broad content and rich knowledge have not only_________________() but also ______________________(给了我很多乐趣). [喜爱的栏目]I am fond of all its columns(栏目), but ___________________________() is culture, _______ I can read ____________(幽默) stories, poems, fictions(小说) and so on to ________________(改善英语口语).

[期待与祝福]Please_________________________(接受我真诚的祝福) again and I best wish that YOUTH could _____________________(取得更大的成功) and _________________(得更多的读者/更受欢迎). Yours, Li Hua

