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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《幼儿园美术活动英语用语》,欢迎阅读!
Sentences for Art 美术课堂用语(1

1. Please look at the example . 请看范画。 2Choose your favorite colours . 选择你喜欢的颜色。

3Colour the picture from top to bottom . ( left to right ) 请从上到下进行涂色。 (或从左到右) 4Colour in the same direction. 请朝一个方向来回涂色。

5Do not colour outside the lines . 请不要涂到线的外面。

6What else do you want to draw ? 你还想画其他的什么吗?

7. Please , draw it bigger/ smaller. 请画得大/小点。

8. Draw the outline in the dark colour. 请用深色的颜色勾边.

9. Pay attention to your posture. 请注意坐姿。

10. Hold your pencil ( marker ) correctly. 请注意握笔的姿势。

11. Press lightly ,or your crayon will break . 别太用劲,以免把蜡笔折断。

12. Don’t draw on the back of the paper . 不要画在纸张的反面。

13. Don’t draw on your hands or clothes . 不要画在衣服上或手上。

13. Keep your picture and table clean . 保持画面和桌面整洁。

14. Please write down your name. 请写上自己的名字。

15. Please put your markers (crayons ) into their case . 请将水彩笔(蜡笔)归位。

16. Let’s appreciate all the pictures. 让我们一起欣赏大家的画。

17. Please tell us about your picture . 请介绍一下自己的画。

18. Which picture do you like the best ? / Which picture do you prefer? 你觉得哪幅画好?

19. Please put your picture into its folder. 请将你的画放到作品袋里。

Cambridge Bilingual Kindergarten

Sentences for Art

美术课堂用语(2 手工课(Handwork)

一:折纸课堂用语 ( Paper Folding Lesson) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

二:粘贴课堂用语(Pasting Lesson 1 2 3 4

今天我们粘贴XXWe’ll paste……today .

请用棉签蘸浆糊(胶水)Use the Q-tip for the paste ( glue ) . 不要蘸太多的浆糊。Don’t use too much paste (glue ) .

把浆糊涂均匀地抹在纸张背面。Cover the whole paper with the paste (glue ) . 5 6 7 8

三:剪纸课堂用语 ( Paper Cutting Lesson )

保持衣物(作品)整洁。Keep your clothes ( artwork ) clean . 用湿布擦手。Clean your hands with the wet cloth .

把作品放于一旁晒干。Put your artwork aside and let it dry. 把作品放进作品袋。Put your artwork into its folder. 今天我们上折纸课。 It’s time for “ Paper folding Lesson .” 将纸对折。Please fold the paper in half .

边对边、角对角地折。Fold edge to edge/ fold corner to corner. 四个角向纸的中心折。Fold the paper toward the center-pot . 将纸翻面。Turn the paper over . 沿着折痕折。Fold along the crease . 沿着中线折。Fold along the middle line .

1 2

今天我们要剪XXToday we’ll cut out a …… 递剪刀时要把尖的一端握在手里。

Hold the sharp-end in your hand when you pass the scissors to others .

3 4 5 6

先剪开一个缺口。Please cut a small slit first . 沿着轮廓线剪。Cut along the outline .

边剪边移动纸张。Move the paper while you cut . 注意安全。Please be very careful with the scissors.

7 剪下的碎纸别乱丢。Put all paper scraps into the bin.

四、撕纸课堂用语 Paper-Tearing Lesson

1、先撕开一个缺口。 Tear a slit first.


Tear slowly with your fingers to your fingers.

3、沿着轮廓线撕。Tear along the outline.

4、从上往下撕成条形。Tear the paper into strips from top to bottom.

