流利说商务英语 Level 6 Unit 2 Part 5(五)Debate on Free Trade - 副本

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流利说商务英语 Level 6 Unit 2 Part 5(五)Debate on Free Trade

We now return to the presidential debates in New York City. [Our next question is about trade.

Currently President Johnson is pursuing the Pacific Asian Partnership, a free trade agreement between 12 nations in North America, South America, and Asia.

The agreement, however, has proven to be controversial, with many critics arguing it will further damage the American manufacturing industry. ]

As president, where will you stand on the Pacific Asian Partnership? Senator Wong is first.

It is an economic reality in this country that our manufacturing industry and our working class jobs are being destroyed by the free trade agreement like the PAP. The PAP could cause this country 8 hundred thousand jobs nation wide.

And these agreements have been written by Governor Reagan's friends in Corporate America, who can now outsource even more production to the countries where labor is cheaper.

The agreement is between 2 nations in the Asia-Pacific.

If the agreement is signed, it could cause the manufacturing industry 8 hundred thousand jobs.

You do not need a PHD in economics to realize that American workers should not have to compete against people overseas who make 70 cents an hour. So Senator Wong, how do you propose handling the PAP?

I will not sign the PAP. And I will go after corporations who want to move their factories overseas by taxing their goods.

We've had over 60,000 factories in America close since 2001.

If I'm president, these corporations will have to start investing back into this country, and not other countries. Governor Reagan

Well, I agree that corporations do need to do more for this country.

In fact, I have a long proposed giving corporations tax breaks to invest in local jobs. But what Senator Wong is saying would be disasters for our economy.

Wages in developing nations are much less than in America, so workers cant compete.

Shes agree that corporations should do more to invest in American jobs.

Trade deals eliminated tariffs and make it easier to exchange goods.

If we work away from the PAP, this country will have no chance to compete in the global market.

We need to keep our export strong to keep our economy strong.

And I'm going to do everything I can for America to compete and win in the global economy.

But what about the criticism that the PAP will continue to harm the working class? [What will really harm the working class is taxing goods on companies who manufacture overseas.

Most low price items, such as food, clothing, and other basic items are imported. Tariffs on these goods increase the price, making it more difficult to live for the people who spend majority of their income on these items. ]

By removing taxes on imports, they make it easier for nations to trade goods.

If the cost of basic goods increases, they will be much harder for the working class to afford.

I will also work for the freedom of companies to choose where and how they do business.

Our country was built on freedom and I support freedom of choice for business. Let's stop there. That is all the time we have for the issue.

If she were president, what kind of policies would she pursue? pro-business policies.

