【#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《what_is_english》,欢迎阅读!
on entering senior high school!
一 What is English?
What is English? Of course. It's a language. But for us, it's not just a language, it's also a very important tool and powerful weapon. It's necessary skill for our life and success in the 21st century.
Why should we master this language, tool and weapon? Why should we spend so much time and energy on English? The answer is obvious; to improve ourselves, to serve our country and our people, and to communicate freely with the world. This is our ultimate goal. This is our Number One mission.
英语是一门语言,学习母语的经验可以应用于英语。英语首先是一种知识,需要认知学习,英语知识包含音、形、义三个方面,英语达到第二母语水平,需要具有三万左右的词汇量,也就是说具有这三万词汇的声音知识,文字知识,意义知识,及这三万词汇组合出来的句型意思,以及必须的一些语法知识;同时英语是一种技能,需要不断重复练习。 了解了英语是什么,我们就可以根据语言的范围,需要达到的标准,进行有针对性的学习,就可以避免学习过程中迷失方向,学习效果难以衡量等许多的问题。 Let's master English to promote international communication.
Let's master English to spread Chinese language and Culture.
Let's master English to make China stronger and more prosperous.
二English learning: A big challenge or a piece of cake?
1、初高中英语的差异: 内容、考法、教法 2、高中英语课本的结构 3、如何学习高中英语: 主动学习
What is the main difference between senior and junior English ? (初高中英语的差异)
表现在:内容、考法、教法方面 Characteristics of Senior English
三 高中英语特点 语篇差异
高中英语词汇量大增,语篇难度加大,句子比较长而复杂,多为并列句或复杂的复合句,即使没有生词,也很难弄懂,学生很难适应。需要有坚实的语法知识和语感. (一)内容和要求方面的差异
1. Vocabulary: more(3500以上) and more difficult 2. Grammar: more complicated and more systematic
3. Articles: more long and complicated sentences -- Reading 4. Writing: 分值更多(25分),要求更高(120词左右) 5、Listening
高中英语听力篇幅长,而且在难度(句子长度、句式和结构)上比初中难得多。 (二)考法方面的差异
高考是选拔性考试,范围宽,难度大, 仅掌握了课本和老师讲解的内容,绝对不可能考出理想的成绩。
四、高中英语课本的结构 1-5 必修 6-8选修 三、如何学习高中英语
Strategy helps you to learn effectively. Good habits ensure you high marks. Attitude determines everything. Be a happy and smart learner. 内容、要求和考法决定学法 学习重点的转变 高中学习方式 良好的学习习惯
五 词典
六 笔记本和作业本