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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《美国小学英语全体系教材指南针主题6我喜欢玩什么游戏?L3读》,欢迎阅读!
指南针 主题6 我喜欢玩什么游戏What games do I like to play? L3 Reading T80 一个新游戏 A New Game p80

使用图片来理解一个故事Using Pictures to Understand a Story




“好吧,”大象说。大象躲在一棵树后。“我看见你了!”老鼠说。“我憎恨捉迷藏,”大象说。 接下来,他们尝试跳房子。老鼠跳的太小,大象的啤酒花跳的太大了!“我不喜欢这个游戏!”老鼠和大象一起说。 猫头鹰在树上看着他们。“玩下棋吧!”她说。 老鼠和大象都喜欢他们的新游戏

1 听并跟随 Listen and follow

2 再看这些图片,把问题和答案配对。Look at the pictures again. Match the questions with

the answers.

1 Why does Mouse hate tug-of-war? He is too big.

2 Why does Elephant hate hide and seek? They can both play the game. 3 Why do Mouse and Elephant like chess? He is too small.

3表演这个故事。使用like, don’t like, love hate. Act out the story. Use like, don’t like, love

and hate.

L3 Reading T80


学生们将使用图片来帮助理解故事中的人物和事件。 教学资源Teaching Resources 曲目45,不同种类的各种图画书

引导课程Lead in to the Lesson (10 min.)

·展示图画书,给学生们时间四处走动并考考他们。让学生们询问同学对这些图片的看法:Do you like this one?

·问:When you like the pictures, does it make you want to read the story? (Yes.) 介绍技能 Present the Skill (5 min.) ·大声读条目,学生们跟随。


继续深入课程Take the Lesson Further (10 min.)

·大声读这个故事的标题,然后让学生们预览图片。问:Who are the characters? (Elephant, Mouse, Owl.) How are they similar? (They’re animals; they’re friendly.) How are they different? (The elephant is big, but the mouse and owl are small.) Do you like these characters? Why or why


1 听并跟随。 Listen and follow. (15min) ·播放曲目45,让学生们听并跟随。

·一起读故事的第一句。问:What problem do Mouse and Elephant have? (They can’t find a game they both like.)


·之后问:What games do they try to play? (Tug-of-war, hide and seek, hopscotch, chess.) Who finds a solution to the problem at the end? (Owl.)

继续深入课程Take the Lesson Further (15 min.)

· 引导学生们比较大象和老鼠的偏好。在黑板上画一个带标签的文氏图:Elephant likes Both like Mouse likes

·让学生们把文氏图抄写到自己的笔记本上。之后,让他们分小组用正确的游戏(大象-河;老鼠-捉迷藏;共同-国际象棋)来完成这个图表。鼓励大家回顾课文和图片里的细节。 ·问:Which game from the story isn’t in the diagram? (Hopscotch.) Why? (They don’t like it.)

2 再看这些图片把问题和答案配对。Look at the pictures again. Match the questions with the answers. (20 min.)


·对于第一张图片,问:Does Mouse like flying into the air? (No.) How do you know? (He’s nervous.)

·对于第二张图片,问:Is there any place where Elephant can hide all of his body? (No.) ·对于第三章图片问:How can Elephant pick up the little chess pieces? (With his trunk.) Are the chess pieces too big for Mouse? (No.)


Answers 1 He is too small. 2 He is too big. 3 They can both play the game.

继续深入课程Take the Lesson Further (10 min.)

· 请学生们画出大象和老鼠玩跳房子游戏时会发生什么事情。让大家先读课文里的描述。说:What do the characters do? How are their actions different? How do they feel? ·如果需要的话,就在黑板上画一个跳房子图案,然后回顾如何玩这个游戏 ·让学生们分小组来比较这些图片

3 表演这个故事。使用like, don’t like, love hate. Act out the story. Use like, don’t like, love and hate. (15 min.)

·把学生们分成三人一组来做这个活动,每个学生扮演一个动物 ·在课堂上表演之前,给学生们时间来计划和练习他们的角色。

了解学生们Know Your Students


·大多数学生应该能够用故事作为笔记,表演大部分对话。 ·少数学生可能能够记住大部分对话,并能说得很有表现力。

继续深入课程Take the Lesson Further (10 min.) 让学生们思考Get Students Thinking

·说:Imagine that Owl wants to play, too. What game can they all play together?

· 让每组选猫头鹰,老鼠和大象来玩。给他们时间来计划一个猜字谜游戏来表演。让他们表演,让同学来猜。

继续深入课程Take the Lesson Further (10 min.)

·讨论包含其他不同偏好和能力的其他游戏的重要性。例如,问:Can you be friends and like different games? What do you do when a game is too hard for you? How do you feel? What do you do when a game is too hard for your friend? What do you say?

