【#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《第二学士学位 the second bachelor's degree》,欢迎阅读!
第二学士学位 the second bachelor's degree
Chinese universities and colleges will stop enrolling college graduates for a second bachelor's degree from July, according to a guideline issued by the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council.
第二学士学位(the second bachelor's degree):学位等级的名称。 双学位(double degree program)指的是在高等教育阶段,同时学习两个学科专业的学位课程(working for two university degrees in parallel),达到要求者可同时获得两个学科的学位。在我国,双学位多见于本科学习阶段(undergraduate education)。在欧盟国家,不少高校都开设硕士双学位课程。
The program to enroll graduates for a second bachelor's degree was set up as a complement to China's postgraduate programs. However, along with the rapid development of China's postgraduate education, the second bachelor's degree program has fulfilled its mission, said the committee.
据国务院学位委员会介绍,随着我国研究生教育的蓬勃发展,对于弥补研究生教育不足而设立的第二学士学位,已基本完成了历史使命。 为分类推动复合型人才培养,管理办法提出,设置辅修学士学位(get a bachelor's degree with a minor)、双学士学位(double bachelor's degree)、联合学士学位(joint bachelor's degree)三种学士学位类型。
对于全日制学生在本校自主选择读多个学位的,可以采取辅修学士学位方式(students can voluntarily minor in other studies at their own universities);
对于学校主导开展的复合型人才培养,可以采取双学士学位方式(conduct training programs to grant two bachelor degrees to students),对招生、培养、毕业等进行整体设计,由省级学位委员会审批。
对于校际之间正式开展的复合型人才联合培养项目(joint training programs to cultivate versatile talents),可以采取联合学士学位方式,推进优质资源共享,报省级学位委员会审批。