【#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《广东商学院各院及其专业(中英文翻译)1》,欢迎阅读!
一、工商管理学院:The College of Business Administration
1、物流管理:Logistics Management 2、人力资源:Human Resources
3、市场营销专业:Marketing Program
4、工商管理专业:Business Administration Program
二、会计学院: the College of Accounting
2、会计学专业:Accounting Professional
3、财务管理专业: Financial Management Major
4、审计学(注册会计师)Auditing(Certified Public Accountant (CPA))
三、财税学院:the College of Taxation
1、财政学:Public Finance 2、税务:Financial Affairs
3、资产评估专业:MSc Property Appraisal and Management
四、公共管理学院:School of Public Administration
1、行政管理专业:General Administration Program 2、劳动与社会保障:Labor and Social Security 3、文化产业管理: Culture Industry Management 4、公共事业管理(城市管理):City Management
五、金融学院:College of Finance
2、国际金融:International Finance 3、金融工程:Financial Engineering 4、保险:Insurance
5、投资学:Investment Principles
六、经济贸易与统计学院:the College of Economic and Statistics
2、国际经济与贸易:International Economics And Trade 3、统计学:Statistics
4、国际商务:International Business
七、法学院:The College of Law
1、法学(国际法):The International Law 2、法学(民商法):Civil and Commercial Law 3、法学:Science of Law
4、治安学:Science of Public Order
八、旅游学院:College of Tourism
1、酒店管理:Hotel Management 2、旅游管理:Tourism Management
3、会展经济与管理:Exhibition Economy and Management
九、资源与环境学院:College of Resource and Environment
1、土地资源管理:Land Resources Management
2、资源环境与城乡规划管理:Resources-Environment and Urban-Rural Planning Management
3、房地产经营管理:Administration and Management of Real Estate
十、外国语学院:College of Foreign Language
1、英语(国际商务管理):International Business Management 2、英语(国际商务翻译):International Business English Translation 3、日语(国际商务管理):nternational Business Management
十一、人文与传播学院: College of Humanities and Communications
1、汉语言文学:Chinese Language and Literature 2、新闻学:Advocacy Journalism
3、新闻学(编辑出版方向)News Editing 4、社会工作:Social work 5、社会学:Sociology
6、播音与主持艺术:Techniques of Broadcasting and Anchoring 7、广播电视编导:Radio and Television Editing and Directing
十二、艺术学院:Academy of Fine Arts
1、广告学(广告策划与经营管理方向):Advertisement 2、艺术设计(广告设计方向):Art and Design(Advertising Design) 3、艺术设计(玩具与游戏设计方向):Art and Design 4、艺术设计(商业空间设计方向):Commercial Space Design 5、艺术设计(展示设计):Display Design
6、动画专业:Science of Animated Cartoon Program
十三、信息学院:College of Information
1、信息管理与信息系统:Information Management and Information System 2、计算机科学与技术:Computer Science and Technology 3、电子商务:Electronic Commerce 4、软件工程:Software Engineering
十四、数学与计算科学学院:Collegeof Mathematics and Computer Science
1、信息与计算科学:Information and Computing Science 2、数学与应用数学:Mathematics and Applied Mathematics
十五、人文与传播学院:College of Humanities and Communications
1、应用心理学: Applied Psychology 2、商务文秘:Business secretary
3、对外汉语:Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language