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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《独立学院外语专业四、八级考试通过率现状与成因分析及其对策--以南通大学杏林学院为例》,欢迎阅读!



【期刊名称】《长春大学学报(自然科学版)》 【年(),期】2013(000)006

【摘 要】外语专业四、八级考试是衡量外语专业学生学习成果的有效手段。近几年来,杏林学院的英语、日语专业学生的专业四、八级考试成绩并不理想,通过率均在全国平均通过率以下,并且呈现了一定的下降趋势。本课题将立足于杏林学近三年来的外语专业考试通过率的现状,对学生、教师、教学管理以及环境支撑等几方面进行分析,并通过与南通大学外语专业以及全国高校所有同期参加考试的通过率情况进行比较,探究其成因,最后就如何改善这一现状,并加强和完善各项工作提出相应的对策。%Tests for foreign language majors (Grade 4 and 8) are effective means to measure levels of students majoring in foreign lan-guages. In recent years, students in Xinglin College did not get ideal marks in these tests. The passing rate is under the national aver-age passing rate, and shows the trend of dropping. This topic, based on the passing rate situation of foreign language majors in Xinglin College in the past three years, makes an analysis in terms of students, teachers, teaching

management and environment support. In addition, it makes a comparison with the passing rate of Nantong University and other national universities which take the exam at the same time. Finally it presents some solutions to

the improvement of the situation, as well as strengthening and prefecting corresponding work by exploring the causes. 【总页数】4(P1628-1631) 【作 者】于成洁

【作者单位】南通大学杏林学 外国语学院,江苏 南通 226019 【正文语种】 【中图分类】G641 【相关文献】

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