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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《应对焦虑的5个窍门》,欢迎阅读!

——健康饮食 停食咖啡 锻炼 制定计划 感恩。

Worry and anxiety are familiar feelings for most entrepreneurs. Here's what to do when it feels like things are spinning out of control. 担忧和焦虑对大多数企业家来说都不陌生。这有一些当感觉忙晕和失控时的应对方法。

No matter how confident you are in your business, dealing with worry and anxiety--that fear of the unknown--is part of entrepreneurial life. Even the most successful founders know what it's like to lie awake at night wondering if they will make payroll that week.


That anxiety can take a huge toll on your body and your mind. Your heart rate and blood pressure go up. You get insomnia. You feel paralyzed. And you start making bad decisions. 那种焦虑能对你的身体和脑子产生巨大伤害。你的心率和血压上升,失眠,感觉麻痹;而且你开始做出坏决策。

In my practice as a nutritionist, I've found that taking better care of yourself can actually help mitigate those feelings of worry. Here are some healthy ways to deal with anxiety and stress and get back to being more productive:

作为一个营养学家,我在从业经验中发现:好好照料你的身体能减少担忧的感觉。这有一些健康方法处理焦虑和紧张并且回到高效能工作状态中: 1. Eat well.

Stress and anxiety makes you crave sugar and other junk food, but eating junk actually messes with your brain chemistry. Scarfing down that brownie may feel good now, but after the sugar rush wears off, you'll feel worse. Instead, reach for whole foods like fruit, vegetables, and complex carbohydrates such as brown rice and beans. If you need a snack, try carrots with hummus or a banana with some peanut butter. 一.健康饮食

压力和焦虑让人渴求糖和垃圾食品,但是垃圾饮食事实上搞砸你的大脑化学。狂吃了一通巧克力饼后可能现在感觉好了,但是当糖劲慢慢过后,你感觉更糟。相反能改善感觉的是那些全食物如水果,蔬菜,和复合碳水化合物如糙米和豆类。如果你需要点心,试试红萝卜,鹰嘴豆或香蕉,花生酱。 2. Lay off the coffee.

Excessive amounts of coffee can deplete the serotonin levels in your brain and leave you feeling more jittery and anxious. Instead, try green tea, which has a fraction of the caffeine in coffee.



3. Exercise.

A good workout releases endorphins, which help you feel calmer and less stressed. Plus, exercise can actually help with problem solving. Stepping away from your desk can help clear your mind. And moving both sides of your body engages both sides of your brain, which may help you think more clearly. 三.锻炼



4. Make a plan.

Get all the facts and make a decision about how you are going to handle it. Empowering yourself with a plan of action will help lessen your anxiety. Sometimes, it helps to mentally accept the worst possible outcome. That way, you can start thinking about solutions to the problem instead of worrying about the unknown. 四。制定计划

拿到所有事实并对将如何应对它做出决策。制定行动计划会增添你的力量并减少焦虑感。有时,它帮助你从意念上接受最坏的结果。这样你就能着手问题的解决方案而不是对未知担心。 5. Be thankful.

Instead of dwelling on everything that isn't going right in your life, think about all the things you love and give gratitude for those. When you focus on the positive, you make less room for the negative.



It may not help you make payroll, but engaging in healthy behaviors and positive thinking will go a long way towards helping you calm your mind.


