【#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《与人合租房子,经常用到的英语有哪些?》,欢迎阅读!
阿卡索外教网,英语口语培训,外教一对一 http://www.acadsoc.com.cn
现在买房不易,年轻人都喜欢租房,其中不可避免的要遇到与陌生人合租、均摊费用等问题。这一讲来看看“合租”、“均摊费用”、“轮流做家务”的英语怎么表达。 一:与某人一起住,一起住,一起生活,会用到的英语如下: 1. live with:
例:For two months I lived with a French family in Paris to improve my French.(那两个月,我在巴黎跟一户法国人住在一起,以提高法语。)
What's the name of the guy you live with?(跟你同住的那个人叫什么名字?) We've been trying to persuade Jack's elderly mother to come and live with us.(杰克的妈妈上了年纪,我们已经极力劝她来跟我们同住。)
2. share a house/apartment/room/flat with: to live with someone who is not a member of your family and not your sexual partner
例:My brother shares a house with four other students.(我弟弟跟4个同学一起住。) Kim and I shared an apartment when I first moved to L.A.(我刚到洛杉矶时,跟金同住一间公寓。)
3. room with: to live in the same room as someone at college大学时与某人同住 美式英语常用。
例:Do you remember Diane? I roomed with her at college.(记得戴安娜吗?我大学时的舍友啊。)
Have you decided who you're going to room with next year?(你想好了明年要跟谁一起住吗?)
阿卡索外教网,英语口语培训,外教一对一 http://www.acadsoc.com.cn
4. 室友:
flatmate(英式英语),roommate(美式英语): someone that you share an apartment with, who is not a member of your family and not your sexual partner 例:This is Susan, my flatmate.(这是我室友苏珊。)
You can't have a party without asking your flatmate first.(开派对得先请室友才行。) My roommate and I aren't getting along very well - I think I'm going to have to move.(我和室友处得不太好,我想我得搬走。)
So you're not still gonna be his roommate when he gets married, are you?(他结婚后,你不会还跟他一起住吧?)
在美式英语中,还把''roommate''亲昵地称作''roomie''。 Hello, roomie.(亲爱的室友,你好啊。)
二: 和某人一起平摊电话,水费,以及其它费用,英语怎么说了? 1. 最常见的说法是share:
例:We pay rent separately, but we share the other bills.(房租我们是各交各的,但是其他水费电费等等我们平摊。)
It's only fair that they should share the running costs of the car.(车的开销我们得均摊才公平。)
2. split: to share the cost of something between two people or groups 例:
split something between/with somebody
We decided to split the bill between us.(我们决定费用平摊。)
阿卡索外教网,英语口语培训,外教一对一 http://www.acadsoc.com.cn
The US is hoping to split the cost of developing the new plane with Japan.(美国希望和日本均摊研发新机的费用。)
split something down the middle (=each person pays half)
At first, her earnings were split down the middle with her agent.(开始的时候,他赚的钱要和经纪人平分。)
3. go halves: if two people go halves, they each pay half of the cost of something they are buying together
例:If the wine is expensive, we can go halves.(如果酒太贵,我们就一人出一半钱。) go halves with somebody (on something)
Why don't you go halves with him on the cost of the trip?(旅行的费用为什么不和他均摊?)
三: 和某人一起轮流打扫卫生,做家务,用英语怎么说了?
1. take it in turns/take turns: if two or more people take it in turns or take turns to do something, they do it one after the other, and each person does it several times 例:If the housework is too much for one person, why don't you take it in turns?(如果一个人做家务觉得负担过重,为什么不两个人轮流做?)
2. alternate: if two people alternate, one person does something one time and the other person does it the next time, changing regularly
例:We'll have to alternate. One of us can use the room in the mornings, and the other in the evenings.(我们得轮流用那个房间,一个早上用,一个晚上用。)