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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《美国签证需要用到的个人简历模板(中英文)》,欢迎阅读!


Noimigrat Visa Resume TemplatNm: Dat and countr f birt:

Gendr:ae and date of irth of sose: if applicale)Names and dates of birth f childre: (f aplicable) Addrss nd Conact information:

EucationList here all universites ad highe euction instittions ou hv ttended startng with the os eent. Yu shoul iclue the olowig inomtion:ﻫﻫName of nversiy Dats f studyDegree levl

Dege mjor and minorsAre o researh

ite o thesisﻫﻫﻫWork expriencLis here ll pad and voluntry ork ou have perormed nd position ed, staring with th mos recent. Yu sould inclde th fllowing infrmain: Nae o cman, organzation or instittin Job title Dats of job

etailed area of esposibiiy, rseach iterests, pojct desritions and applications f rsearhxetie in special sofware, machinry p eqimentAwards an patensHave ou rceivd/won ay wrds eated t our reerh o wrk at univeriy r at work? Pease lit these.

o ou hold any aents? List name atent number and yer regsered.

Lst of publications

List here ll your publictions you hae published in China an ovrsas.

Incude h til of the publishe article, the ate it wa pubished an the name o te magazie, newspaper, ook, ec it as publishd in. Othr outsie inerests/experience it here n clubs you belong to, ay memership o old your intress ad hobbiesﻫﻫOthr skilsFo example computr kill, languaes yu speak drive' icene or ther permits tc Travel

Have ou eve traveled overeas? List outres, urose and dates of travelﻫﻫtatemnt of Intet

For students ad ecange cholars:Propose tudyGie a brief but detailed dsripton o prpsed aea f study, inlding research methods and pplication of te researc

tate superisr'spoesso's ame and hi/he area of expertiseSate insttution and deartmn whee ths reearch is to be done For busines-related rvel:

Propsed scedueﻫﻫState names o contact in the U, includin the name of the company, heir job title and area of eprtise/busnes

Include n itineray of travel detailn date, ciies to b vistd, copaie and eopl to e visite in eah itDeaild conten, ste and length o an taning t be attnded as wel s applcatios o tis taining

Detais of conferecs, meeings, exhibtions wth dates, cntact inf and purpose of atendin




出生日期和国家:性别:名称及配偶出生日期:(如适用) 姓名和孩子的出生日期:(如适用) 地址及联系方式:

教育经历(列举你参加过的学校学习的情况,按照时间的倒叙记录,内容应包括以下:) 大学名称在校时间 学位专业研究领域 论文题目



工作的日期详细领域的责任,研究方向,项目说明和研究中的应用在特殊软件技术,机械设备运 奖和专利

你收到/获得有关你的研究奖励或在大学工作或在工作?请列出这些。 你是否拥有任何专利?列表名称,专利号和7030。

出版物列表在此列出所有你在中国及海外出版的出版物。包括标题,发表文章,这是出版的杂志,报纸,书籍等,将其命名为日发表英寸ﻫﻫ其他外部利益/经验,任何俱乐部名单这里属于你,你持有的任何成员,你的兴趣和爱好 其他技能


旅行你有没有出国旅游?名单的国家,目的和旅行日期ﻫﻫ学习意向声明学生和交流学者: 拟议的研究给出了建议的领域的研究,包括研究方法和研究中的应用简短但详细描述 国家主管的/教授的名字和他/她的专长领域

国家机构和部门在这项研究提出的解决办法ﻫﻫ对于商务或旅游签证申请者:拟议时间表 国名在美国的接触,包括公司名称,他们的职位和专业领域/业务包括详细的行程日期,要访问的城市,企业和市民,在每个城市访问


