英语流利阅读 餐饮店如何化危机为转机

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2020,4 关店潮之下,餐饮店如何化危机为转机?



正文Independent restaurants brace for the unknown独立餐馆做好面对未知的准备

It took two months for JoAnn Clevenger to reopen Upperline, a traditional Creole(克里奥尔式) restaurant in New Orleans, after Hurricane Katrina devastated that city in 2005. This time, a virus has closed the place, probably for a lot longer.

2005 年,卡特里娜飓风几乎将新奥尔良变成了荒野。受飓风影响,约安·克莱文杰经营的一家传统克里奥尔式餐馆 Upperline 停业了两个月。这一回,疫情使得餐馆再次关闭,歇业时间可能比两个月要长得多。

The prognosis(前景) for independent operations like hers seem dire(黯淡). Large chains and well-funded restaurant groups have the resources to ride out a protracted(较长的)shutdown, but the independent restaurants that make up about two-thirds of the U.S. dining landscape may not survive. 类似约安经营的这家餐厅,一些独立餐馆的前景似乎颇为黯淡。大型连锁店和资金充裕的餐饮集团有充足的人力物力,可以平稳度过一段较长的停业期,但占据美国餐饮业约三分之二市场份额的独立餐馆,或许难以存活。

Restaurant analysts and operators have been quoting an estimate that 75% of the independent restaurants that have been closed to protect Americans from the coronavirus won’t make it. The National Restaurant Association estimated this week that the entire industry would lose $225 billion in the coming three months and shed 5 million to 7 million employees. 餐饮分析师和从业者援引了一个估算——因预防美国新冠疫情而停业的独立餐馆中,75%餐馆无法继续经营。美国餐馆协会本周预测,未来三个月里餐饮业的损失将达到 2250 亿美元,500-700 万雇员会因此失业。

But many restaurants, both big and small, aren’t going down without a fight(不战而退). Customers and owners are staging a fast-growing offensive, from selling groceries to lobbying (游说)governments for policy changes and financial help. 不过许多餐馆——无论规模大小——都不打算不战而退。顾客和店主们开展了一系列快速增长的活动,包括售卖食品杂货和游说政府调整政策、给予经济支持。

Before the virus hit, the nation’s restaurant business was almost overheated. When the industry does start up again, many say it will be a time to let go of outdated business practices and develop more creative ways to feed people. 在疫情冲击之前,美国的餐饮行业几乎是过于火爆的状态。当行业重启的时候,许多人认为,这将是淘汰过时的经营方式、发展更具创意的餐饮模式的好时机。

“It’s going to be a very painful few months, but I hope people don’t give up, and come back with this desire to change the game.” said Daniel Shein, a partner合伙人) in Nur, a modern Middle Eastern restaurant in Manhattan. 丹尼尔·谢因是曼哈顿现代中东餐厅 Nur 的合伙人,他表示:这将会是非常艰苦的几个月,但我希望大家不要放弃,带着改变游戏规则的愿望回来。 重点词汇

brace for为(为困难或坏事)做准备 相关词汇:bracen. 托架,支架)v. 支撑,加固)

同义短语:brace oneself for sth. 例句:The city braced for a summer storm. devastate/ˈdev.ə.steɪt/v. 摧毁,毁灭

devastate 表示毁坏的程度比 destroy 更严重,有彻底破坏的意思。 destroy 同样意为破坏,毁坏,但是程度没有 devastate 严重。 英文释义:completely destroy a place or an area

例句:The epidemic has devastated the tourism industry.

prognosis/prɑːɡˈnoʊ.sɪs/n. 预测,展望 相关词汇:diagnosisn. 诊断) 词根词缀:pro-(表示预先,先前 搭配短语:the prognosis for sth. dire/daɪr/adj. 严重的,危急的 英文释义:extremely serious or terrible

搭配短语:be in dire straits 例句:The firm is in dire straits and may go bankrupt. ride out安然渡过(难关) 搭配短语:ride out the storm 例句:Will Luckin be able to ride out this latest crisis?

protracted/prəˈtræk.tɪd/adj. 持久的,延长的 近义词:prolongedadj. 延续很久的,长期的)搭配短语:protracted negotiations 搭配短语:a protracted legal battle landscape/ˈlænd.skeɪp/n. 景色;形势,情形

搭配短语:landscape painting搭配短语:the social/political landscape make it继续存在,存活 近义词:survivev. 继续生存,存活) 例句:Is she going to make it? 例句:She won’t make it. shed/ʃed/v. 去除,裁剪;掉落,脱落

例句:The trees start to shed their leaves. 例句:The snake can shed its skin. 例句:I'd like to shed unwanted pounds.

go down(adv.向下)被打败 英文释义:to undergo defeat or failure 例句:Team A went down 2-1 to team B.

stage/steɪdʒ/v. 举办,组织 n. 舞台;阶段) 英文释义:to organize an event 例句:Japan will stage the Olympic Games in 2021. offensive/əˈfen.sɪv/n. 运动,活动;军事)进攻 词性拓展:offensiveadj. 冒犯的,无礼的;军事)进攻性的) 搭配短语:offensive remarks/ behavior

搭配短语:take the offensive 搭配短语:an advertising offensive lobby/ˈlɑː.bi/v. 游说,试图说服(政客、政府或官方团体)n. 大堂,门厅) 搭配短语:lobby for sth.

overheated/ˌoʊ.vɚˈhiː.t̬ɪd/adj. 太激烈的,发展过快的 相关词汇:overheatv.经济)增长过热,发展过快) let go of放弃...;放开 相关短语:let it go(随它去吧) 例句:Let go of my hand, you’re hurting me! 拓展阅读 疫情下的快餐行业

随着疫情扩散,美国社会也开始主张 Social Distancing保持社交距离这样的局面使得一些小餐馆的顾客数量大幅降低。但是据称,美国的快餐行业依然强劲,甚至有逆行之势。因为美国外卖费用普遍较高,而快餐店取餐快,又支持打包,所以很多美国人都将目光投向了快餐店以及支持驾车取餐的餐厅。3 月,一些城市的麦当劳、福来鸡、星巴克等店的顾客数量上涨。


