
2022-10-07 18:58:26   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《石油工程论文英语摘要》,欢迎阅读!
Analysis and calculation of horizontal well effective hook load

JIA TianFeng Harbin In stitute of petroleum.150028

Abstract : In the field of the horizontal well drilling technology, whether the conductor pipes can enter smoothly is one of difficult technical problems which we have to face with. Unifying the soft pole model and the hard pole model, with the consideration of the influence of the actual conductor pipes' rigidity bending moment and the shearing stress, we have established the three-dimensional space conductor pipe friction drag computation model, divided the casing string into the small unit section to carry on the iteration to solve, and compiled the corresponding computational procedure using VB6.0. When the conductor pipes are being entered down at each well depth, this procedure can calculate the hook load, whether friction drag is considered or not.

In order to confirm the mathematical model's accuracy, this paper compares and analyzes the measured data with the procedure computed result analysis with the selection of four wells: the Tarim oil field's Hade 4-72 well (horizontal well), Lungu 100-H1 well (directional welt) and Dila 102 wells (vertical well) as well as the E3h well (big displacement well) of some oil field of the sea. After comparison of the four wells' measured data, its biggest error locates in 10%, which has achieved the project application's requirements. The result shows this mechanics model's accuracy. In order to further confirm the procedure's accuracy, this paper has also carried on the ideal vertical well confirmation to compare the procedure computed result with the theory predicted value, the two results coincide closely, that shows the aspect of the establishment of the procedure is correct.

Since the determination of the friction coefficient relates directly to the procedure forecast value's accuracy, in order to increase the procedure's serviceability, this procedure attaches the friction coefficient opposite-calculate module. BY inputting well depth and the actual hook load, this procedure can figure out the friction determination.

This procedure can apply to the design of the horizontal well bore hole track, to forecast whether the conductor pipes can enter smoothly in the track in the designs, It can also apply to the on-the-spot construction process of entering the conductor pipe, to monitor the change of the hook load.

Key words :horizontal well, conductor pipe, friction


