
2023-02-06 05:15:30   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《老外最想聊的100个英语口语话题(66):运动健身》,欢迎阅读!

Health and Fitness


dialogue 1

A: good afternoon madam. How can I help you? 下午好,女士 .有什么能为您效力吗


S: well I am a little bit out of shape. I think I should get some exercise to keep fit. what kind of

service do you offer?


.你们能供给什么服务 ?

A: first of all we'll tailor a work-out plan according to your physical conditions and your

personal needs.

第一,我们会依据顾客的身体状况和个人需要量身定做一个健身计划 .

S: how can you get that done? 你们会怎么做呢 ?

A: well we give each of our customers a qualified personal trainer. The trainer will give you

a fitmess asssessment and then come up with the work-out plan.

哦,我们为每一位顾客安排一名专业的个人健身教练 .他会给你做健康评估,而后拟订出相应的健身计划 . S: what else? 还有其他吗 ?

A: since everyone is different your personal trainer will help you find out all the exercise

equipments that are suitable for youe fitness level. Then you'll be taught all the necessary techniques to use these equipments and achieve your goal.

由于每一个人的状况不一样, 因此个人教练会帮你找到全部适合的运动器械, 教你详细使用方法,好达到健身的目标 .

S: sounds pretty good. How much do you charge? 听起来很不错 .怎么收费呢 ?

A: that depends. We offer membership for one month half a year and one year. 看状况 .我们这有一个月,半年和一年的会员卡 .

S: perhaps one month. I'll just have a try at first. 要一个月的吧 .我先试试看 .

A: wise decision. that is 400 yuan. You'll find it's totally worth it. 好想法,一个月是四百,您会感觉物超所值的 .

S: OK I'll take it.



dialogue 2

A: hey you look great! how's everything? 嗨,你看起来状态不错近来怎么样


S: yeah you know what?I've been going to the club regularly. The training really pays off. Now

I am in a good shape and I know more about how to keep fit.

知道吗,近来我常去健身俱乐部 .锻炼的确很实用,我此刻身材不错,还学到好多保健知识 A: really? tell me about it. I haven't gone to the club for a long time. I am too busy with work.




真的吗 ?跟我谈谈 .近来工作忙,我已经好久没有去俱乐部了


S: it's important to do proper exercises. 适合锻炼很重要 .

A: you're right. Too much or too little won't do any good. 没错,太多太少都不好 .

S: the trainer tells me besides regular sports activities I should also have a healthy and balanced diet.



A: sounds reasonable. 有道理 .

S: we should eat more vegetables instead of junk food to stay energetic. 我们应当多吃蔬菜,少吃垃圾食品,这样才能精力充足


A: and fruits! 还有水果 !

S: surely it is. Getting enough sleep is also crucial for fitness. 自然 .足够的睡眠对健康也很重要


A: I've heard that. Does your trainer tell you anything about keeping fit? 我知道 .教练还告诉你什么了 ?

S: yeah he advises me to stay in a good mood. That can help one to keep sound physical health. 他说要有个好意情,心情好身体就健康 A: I think if you follow your trainer's advice 你假如听教练的,就会实现你的健康目标 S: you bet it! 没错 .


you'll be on the right track.



