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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《变色龙用英语怎么说》,欢迎阅读!


变色龙的英语说法1 chameleon

变色龙的英语说法2 anole

变色龙的相关短语: 变色龙属 Brookesia

变色龙创可贴 Chameleon Bandage 地毯变色龙 furcifer lateralis 变色龙的英语例句:

1. Like a chameleon, he could merge unobtrusively into the background.

他就像一条变色龙,可以神不知鬼不觉地隐藏在背景中间。 2. The chameleon changes colour to match its surroundings. 变色龙变换颜色以适应环境.

3. The chameleon's skin replicates the pattern of its surroundings.


4. Anna: It changed colours, like chameleon, it uses the jungle. 安娜: 它会变色, 像变色龙同样, 用丛林作掩护.

5. An absolutely new Chameleon truck was designed just in the same way.


6. The eyes of the chameleon are even more remarkable. 变色龙的眼睛则更了不起了.

7. A theatrical chameleon, Kidman even wore a prosthetic

nose for the movie.

堪称戏剧变色龙的妮可?基德曼,甚至在本片中戴上假鼻子. 8. The chameleon can take on the colour of its background. 变色龙可呈现出与其背景相同的颜色.

9. Look at this guy . Too cool to be a chameleon. 看看人家这位,多英武! 做变色龙实在委屈了!

10. The chameleon on the mirror is a completely open system.


11. My look is very androgynous, and I consider myself a fashion chameleon.

我的外表十分“中性化”, 所以我觉得自己能成为时尚界的“变色龙”.

12. Anna: It changed colours, like the chameleon, it uses the jungle.

安娜: 它会变色, 像变色龙一样, 用丛林作掩护.

13. The chameleon can take on the colors of its background. 变色龙可以变成周围环境的颜色.

14. With a tongue as long as it's body, dines. 在这里, 变色龙用跟它身体一样长的舌头捕食.

15. You can even hide Chameleon files in a Chameleon file. 你甚至可以隐藏变色龙档案变色龙档案.

