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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《老外最想聊的100个英语口语话题(48):终生学习》,欢迎阅读!

Lifelong Learning平生学习

dialogue 1

LI-cy: Today more and more people advocate lifelong learning. But peopIe have diifferent views about lifelong learning. How do you undcrstand lifelong lcaming? 此刻愈来愈多的人倡导平生学习



Chirrdlor: I think lifelong lcaming is the concept that it's never too soon or too late for learning 我感觉平生学习就是说 学习永不嫌晚 ”。

L Does that mean studyin8 all the time? 平生学习是说人一荤子都要学习吗?

C: I don't think so. I think it's about your attitude towards learning. One should be open to

new ideas decisions skills or behaviors.

不是,它是一种态度,就是乐于接受新事物、易于参照其他建议、勤于学习新本事。 L: Tben the axiom -You can't tcach an old dog ncw tricks' docsn't work any longer. 那就是说一老狗学不了新戏

”不对 '

C: You're right Lifelong lcarning is about f-iinding lcaming opportunities at all ages and in numerous comtexts: at work. at home and through leisureactiVities. It is not limited to highcr


没错。 平生学习意味着不论年纪多少,




L: Yes I agn e with you. When I retired I will panicipatc in programs to keep mcntally active.


C: Me too. To kccp up with the changing world. one must be involved in learning and be ready to accept new things.

我也是, 在这个瞬间万变的信息时代, 要追上社会发展的, 步伐.平生学习已成为事不宜迟, 一定作好准备接受新事物.

L You know what? I've rcccnOy been teaching myself. 你知道吗,我近来在自学法语.

C: Really? That's great! I know that your company has a lot of clients in France. 是吗?太好了,我知道你们企业在法固有好多客户. L Yes. so I want to lcam French to develop my recr: 是啊,因此我想自学法语,加强


dialogue 2

L: Hello Chandler! How are you? 你好,钱德勒,近来还好吗?



C: Fine. And yuu? 很好.你呢?

L: Just so so. I am too tired. My company has been holding too many training sessions lately. 就那样吧,近来好累啊,我们企业又给我们安捧了一次培训.

C: That's good. Not eVey company providcs cmpIoyees with training opportunity. It seems that your company wants to further develop their employees and enooura:gc lifelong ming.

那不是挺好的嘛?可不是每个企业都会为员工供给这样的时机的。 计划


L: Good?! For them but not to me.

好吗?对他们倒是挺好的,对我可没什么好处. c: So what's the problem?


L Wc have to participate in training afTer a busy day and during the weckend. You know afier work all you want to do is throw yourself onto your bcd. And during the We kend you just want

to stay at home and enjoy a family dinncr.

忙了整整一天后,你只想倒头就睡,但是我们还得参加培训 和家人共享晚饭,但是我们还得培训!

I 周末,我只想待在家里歇息,

C: Yes you are right. But one should keep learning! daily to maintain our keen mental power

and our intellectual capacity. Constant learning us to Sharp our powcr of 是吗?可是从长久来看, 这对你是有利处的. 此刻社会竞争这么强烈,


能让我们的大脑保持敏锐, 连续的学习能够为我们供给连续的动力, 使我们更擅长推理、 剖析并作出判断。

L: Yes' I agree with you on the point but couldn't the training be held during the working day

instead of weekend?


C: Yes you are right. I think weekend is the time for family gatbering aad rest Maybe youcould

make that suggestion to your boss


j 下。你可眦向棣帕皇插担坦磕设.


