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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《海洋热能利用进展》,欢迎阅读!


【期刊名称】《新能源进展》 【年(),期】2014(2)6

【摘 要】With huge reserve and being relatively stable over time change, ocean thermal energy has broad exploitation and utilization prospects. Currently, ocean thermal energy utilization technologies mainly include ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) technology, ocean thermal energy seawater desalinization technology and seawater source heat pump technology. OTEC technology requires seawater temperature difference not to be less than 20oC, and ocean thermal energy seawater desalinization technology requires seawater temperature difference not to be less than 10oC, while seawater source heat pump technology can be applied in different latitude area and different seasons. This paper mainly analyzes three kinds of OTEC circles, in view of the low power generation efficiency caused by low temperature difference, putting forward two ways to improve the power generation efficiency:improving seawater

temperature difference by using solar radiation to heat the warm seawater and reducing the system energy consumption by using the wave energy to drive pumps.%海洋热能储量巨大,随时间变化相对稳定,具有广阔的开发利用前景。当前,海洋热能利用技术主要包括海洋温差能发电技术、海洋温差能制淡技术以及海水源热泵技术。发电技术要求海水温差不小于20℃,制淡技术要求海水

温差不小于10℃,海水源热泵技术则在不同纬度地区、不同季节均能应用。本文重点分析了海洋温差能发电技术的3种循环方式,针对低温差导致低发电效率的问题,提出了利用太阳辐射加热温海水以提高温差和利用波浪能驱动泵以降低系统能耗两种提高发电效率的方法。 【总页数】8(P454-461) 【作 者】吴春旭;吴必军;叶寅

【作者单位】中国科学院广州能源研究所,广州 510640; 中国科学院大学,北京 100049;中国科学院广州能源研究所,广州 510640;中国科学院广州能源研究所,广州 510640 【正文语种】

【中图分类】TK521+.34;P743.4 【相关文献】

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