【#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《校运会英语广播稿》,欢迎阅读!

you have confedent you have lucky
i can give you my hope you know
you have a dream to help me hope with anything
you can break the destnation you can reach the goal and you can do it well go for it
nothing is impossible Go!!
Today is our school sports meeting! It's a happy day! Taday the sky is blue, and we are so spirit! We wele the sports meeting, and we want to have this big meeting! The athletes are very good! They are the best We are pound of them! Come on! Believe yourself!You will win!
How many times sweat profusely, injury had full memory, just because always believe, to strive to win. Always encourage yourself, to suess have to work hard. Blood is on the pitch, the giant rises on the pitch. Believe in yourself, you will win, create miracles; Believe in yourself, the dream is in your hands, this is your world. When all the past, you will be the first. Believe in yourself, you will be beyond the limit, beyond yourself! Believe in yourself, e on, athletes, believe in yourself. 是体育场上游走的火焰,是来去不息的脚步,是风中飞舞的`树叶折射的金色光辉,藉此,可以诠释运发动兴奋的脸庞。那轻盈的步伐似飞鸟的翅膀,那清脆的枪声响彻天际,它粲然升起那跃动的渴望,起跑、加速、超越、冲刺,一步一步延向胜利的曙光。那是力的比拼,素质的比赛,是石榴树上,跃动的心脏。
Is the stadium walk upstream flame is always in the footsteps of e and go, is the wind leaves, golden glow of refraction, thereby, can interpret athletes excited face. The lightsome pace is like the wings of the birds, the ringing of gunfire rang out, and it rises beaming the vigor