
2022-08-28 00:37:17   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《学校中英文翻译范例》,欢迎阅读!

幼儿 Kindergarten 学前班 Pre-School

小学 Prinmary Schools 教学 External teaching sites 初级中学 Junior Sec.Schools 九年一贯制中学 9-Year Sec.Schools 完全中学 Complete Sec.Schools 高级中学 Senior Sec.Schools 独立设置的少数民族学校 Inde. Sec.Schools for Minorities 中等职业学校 Secondary Vocational Schools 普通中等专业学校 Reg.Specialized Sec.Schools 成人中等专业学校 Specialized Sec.Schools for Adults 以下范例,仅供参考:

祁阳县茅竹镇周塘学前班 Zhoutang Pre-school of Maozhu Town in Qiyang County 郴州金朝阳幼儿 Jinzhaoyang Kindergarten of Chenzhou

洞口县花园镇付泉教学 Fuquan External teaching sites in Flower town of Dongkou County 长沙市芙蓉区东郡小学 Dongjun Primary School of Furong Distrinct of Changsha 中河口镇双芦完全小学 Shuanglu Complete Sec. School of Zhonghekou Town 沅陵县大合坪乡七甲溪九年一贯制学校 Qijiaxi 9-year Sec.School of Daheping Town in Yuanling county

永顺县民族中学 The Minority Middle School of Yongshun County

长沙市芙蓉区马王堆中学 Mawangdui Secondary school of Furong District in Changsha City 浏阳市溪江乡溪江初级中学 Xijiang Middle school of Xijiang Town in Liuyang City 长沙市第六中学 The sixth high school of Changsha

衡阳市第二成章试验学校 The second Chengzhang Pilot school of Hengyang 衡东县白莲镇中心学校 Central School of Bailian Town in Hengdong County

衡阳市烹饪中等职业学校 The Secondary Vocational Education for Cooking in Hengyang City

洞口县教师进修学校 The Teachers’ Continuation School in Dongkou County

新田县创新职业技术学校 The Innovation Vocational Technology School of Xintian county 浏阳市特殊教育学校 The Special Education School of Liuyang City

