【#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《商业演讲如何漂亮收尾》,欢迎阅读!

我和阿卜杜拉(Abdullah)的谈话是在Madinah Institute for Leadership and Entrepreneurship (MILE)项目间隙进行的,这是由沙特政府和企业在麦肯锡(McKinsey)的帮助下创立的高管培训项目。在这个两周的项目中,每天都有来自美国或欧洲的知名商学院教授向来自中东和亚洲的大约30位高管讲授8小时的课程。希望让阿拉伯和穆斯林世界的高管无需前往费城或伦敦就可获得重要的商业教育。我到那里是进行小范围的媒体培训和演讲技巧训练,看到了演讲挑战之不分疆域。
有太多办法可以漂亮地结束演讲,把你的演讲要点深深烙在听众的脑海中: 有力的援引。前英国首相戈登•布朗有一次盛赞美国总统奥巴马的演讲技巧,是这样收尾的:‚当奥巴马演讲时,他给予听众信心——不是对奥巴马的信心,而是对听众自己的信心。据说当西塞罗演讲时,人们说‘这是伟大的演讲’。但当德摩斯梯尼演讲时,他们说,‘让我们游行吧’‛。
As I huddled with a Saudi business contact in a conference room in Madinah, just a few miles from the final resting place of the Prophet Muhammad last month, I was struck by how exotic and yet how familiar it all felt. My friend, a banker, wore the traditional kafiyeh and thobe to my blue suit. Outside, the temperature approached 112 degrees Fahrenheit. On the breakfast table: fried lamb liver, cardamom-scented coffee, and camel's milk.
But my friend spoke of exactly the same goals, hopes, and anxieties that I discuss every day with executives from D.C. to Dallas. How can I make more time for my family while growing my business? How do I stay ahead of the competition? How can I communicate more effectively with employees, customers, investors, and the media? And so, after years of working with clients from all over, I once again realized that in the world of business at least, we are much more alike than we think.
My conversation with Abdullah took place at the Madinah Institute for Leadership and Entrepreneurship (MILE), an executive-education program created by the Saudi government and corporate backers with help from McKinsey. Every day, over the course of each two-week program, a different marquee-name B-school professor from the U.S. or Europe delivers an eight-hour program to a group of 30 or so senior executives from the Middle East and Asia. The goal: to give executives from the Arab and Muslim worlds relevant business education without having to send them to Philadelphia or London. I was there to conduct media training and presentation skills coaching in small sessions. And I saw first-hand that public speaking challenges know no cultural bounds.
That morning I watched a speaker do exactly what he was supposed to do at the opening of his presentation: he started strong. Instead of boring us with the kind of half-baked opening we all hear too often, (Um, hello, great to be here today, can everyone hear me in the back? etc.) he launched right into a genuinely riveting story about a brilliant young university student named Ahmed that previewed the key themes of his presentation and made us eager to hear more.
The problem was that he didn't end his presentation with quite so much panache. He just sort of finished talking and said, "I think that's about all I needed to cover. Any questions?" No big wrap-up, no final crescendo to send us off with a sense of purpose. He missed the opportunity to advance his point one last time.