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科目:英语翻译基础 Part one. Translate following terms.
1. 八股文 16. IAEA 2. 除夕 17.GPS 3. 孔子学院 18.MPA 4. 谥号 19.CBD
5. 社会保障体系 20 European Community 6. 科学发展观 21.cross-talk
7. 外交部 22. millennium bug 8. 祸从口入 23. capital goods 9. 重症监护室 24. party program 10. 国企 25.Capitol Building 11. 针灸疗法 26.anti-poverty funds 12. 黄金周 27.zero-sum game 13. 热岛效应 28.jargon 14. 文房四宝 29.AP
15. 朝鲜半岛 30. bear market
Part two. Translate the following passage from English into Chinese
As the famous Chinese saying goes, “Above, there is Heaven-below, there are Suzhou and Hangzhou.” An impressive claim, but the only way to find out if Suzhou is indeed one of these two earthly paradises is to actually visit the place. Suzhou sits only four meters above sea level, so water features heavily in the landscape of its canal towns, as well as in the serene classical gardens that have been designated as World Heritage sites. This was immediately obvious on arrival, with rivers and canals crisscrossing the streets on the ten-minute walk from the train station to my riverside hostel.
Because of Suzhou’s location near the mouth of the Yangtze, numerous canals were built to stabilize the flood-prone delta areas. Several other towns and cities in the region followed suit, creating what has become known as China’s region of water towns. As well as the countless lakes, 35 kilometers of rivers, and 168 bridges nearby, the Grand Canal is another significant draw. Stretching from Beijing to Hangzhou, it cuts an impressive path from north to south, and brought significant trade to the towns.
After a few minutes’ exploration down some of its many back streets, I discovered why Suzhou is often praise as the “Venice of the Orient” Aside from the countless picturesque stone bridges peppering the city, Suzhou, like Venice, was once a great trading port, supplying goods from China’s “most productive land.” And during my brief visit I saw many small boats using the rivers to transport goods throughout the city.
It’s also the silk capital of China. In ancient times it was from here that silk would have been transported along the Grand Canal to Beijing, and eventually all the way along the silk road to places as far as Rome. Even today, Suzhou’s silk exports account for 30 percent of the country’s total. With its mild climate, fertile land and abundance of produce, it is no wonder that Suzhou is referred to as heaven on earth.
Part three. Translate the following passage from Chinese into English