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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《商务英语-面对客户》,欢迎阅读!
商务英语 / 对公众说话 / 04

面对客户 Introducing Yourself to New Clients

Jennifer要进军美加市场,经过数星期的信件传真往来,终于与一家加拿大的中盘经销商,Standard家用电器,约好了当面商谈合作的可能性。Jennifer与买商首度会面,不但要说明公司目前的计划,还要告诉对方自己在此商谈中所扮演的角色。 英文正文

Good afternoon. It's a pleasure to finally meet you. I'm Jennifer Wong from Action Appliances. I hope the two of you had a pleasant flight. Please take a seat.

As you know, Action is looking to expand into western Canada and the United States. What we need to get our foot in the door is a well-known distributor. To be perfectly honest, it would be quite a head start for us if we could secure a deal with a respected distributor like yourselves, Standard Suppliers.

I'll be responsible for the first round of negotiations here in Taipei. I hope we can make some definite headway during your stay in Taiwan. As the stakes get higher, so to speak , my supervisor, Mr. Cheng, will join us at the bargaining table. And now, I'm sure you must have questions. 中文翻译

两位午安,很高兴终于与您们会面了。我是Action电器的Jennifer Wong我希望两位一路旅程还算顺利,请坐。



现在,您们有任何问题,请直接提出来。 短语解说

be looking to 希望,计划


With the demise of communism in Europe, we're looking to open new markets in Poland and Yugoslavia.


get one's foot in the door 开始涉足于


It takes years of hard work to even get your foot in the door in the world of broadcast journalism.

要涉足新闻广播界,需要用功努力多年才行。 head start 抢得先机

这个名词词组原指在比赛中抢先,故引申为因起步早而造成有利之先机。 With a head start in business, you can make it all the way to the top. 做生意时抢得先机,你才能顺利一路到达巅峰。 so to speak 可说是


Our editor in chief is, so to speak, a king in the office. 我们的总编辑在办公室里,可说是,像个国王。 at the bargaining table 谈判桌上


We decided to step up to the bargaining table and share our views with the other company. 我们决定参加谈判,与对方公司商讨我们的看法。



1. It's a pleasure to finally meet you.

2. It's great to finally get a chance to know you. 3. At last, I've been looking forward to meeting you.



1. What we need to get our foot in the door is a well-known distributor.

2. Our main goal is to open doors for our products in the West with a respected distributor. 3. My company's top priority is to introduce our products to new markets in the West, and that requires a well-known distributor.

