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superficial and weird cultural traits; 2) awareness of distinctive and incredible cultural traits that contrast markedly with one's own; 3) recognition of cultural traits that contrast markedly with one's own by way of reasonable analysis; 4) perception of another culture from the standpoint of the insiders. The forth stratum is the highest level of awareness of intercultural communication with the requirement of a translator's capability in
transference and cultural mergence (Wang, 2003). In the process of C-E translation, the translator must think in the standpoint of TL readers. In other words, oriented by Chinese culture and emphasizing the target text, the translator is expected to take into account the readability and acceptability of translated version (Zhu, 2005). Tourists visiting other countries are usually aware of superficial and weird cultural traits and also aware of distinctive and incredible cultural traits that contrast markedly with their own, while
translators, the mediators of cultures, first of all, are expected to recognize cultural factors in the tourism material from the viewpoint of SL readers, observing and pondering over matters in the source cultural background and they should be guided by the only aim of arousing the same reaction in the target audience. By doing so, translators of tourism material are getting at Stratum Three and Four.
Cross-cultural awareness is one of the basic requirements for a translator when he or she is engaged in intercultural communication by translating tourism material. To be
specific, a translator of tourism material should be tourist-oriented, bear in mind the needs of his readers-tourists, and try to preserve in the TL text the cultural information of the SL text. Cross-cultural awareness in tourism material translation is not only confined to translating culture itself but the cultural significance endowed on tourism material. In translation, cross-cultural awareness can serve as a guide for a translator, who builds "bridge not only between languages but also between the differences of two cultures" (Samovar, 2000:131).Translators shall be familiar with both structural differences of
languages and cultural differences. However, it is noted that what exists in one culture can not frequently find its exact equivalent in another, which poses a big problem in translation, especially in translating tourism material. Bearing in mind cross-cultural awareness,
translators can help target readers learn cultural information from another culture and make it easy to realize the goal of tourism material translation. is