
2022-10-08 23:47:48   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《后天用英语口语怎么表达》,欢迎阅读!


1.(明天的明天) the day after tomorrow

2.(人或动物离开母体后单独生活和成长的时期, 与先天相对) postnatal; acquired 例句:

How about the day after tomorrow, at two o'clock ? 后天下午两点怎么样?

Knowledge is acquired , not innate . 知识是后天获得的,不是先天就有的。

The new students will enter school the day after tomorrow .


The day after tomorrow is sunday, but i'll be off duty . 后天是星期天,正好我休息。

I should say man 's knowledge is acquired after birth . 是的,一个人的知识是后天才取得的。

A man is what his environment and upbringing make him . 一个人的形成在于环境和后天的抚养。

I am to come to london the day after tomorrow by the midday coach .


If today is wednesday , the day after tomorrow will be friday .


Mrs. brown i think that they will move in the day after tomorrow .

布朗夫人:我想他们将后天搬吧。 【拓展阅读】

【大后天的英语怎么说】 three days from now 例句:

And the next day and the next day . - all right . okay 大后天,一天又一天-好的,没问题

The day after that i ' m going with my mom and dad on a trip to kunming


I just want to eat you up , tomorrow and the next day , next day , next day

我只想把你"吃掉" ,明天后天,大后天,一天又一天

More of them would come in on the morrow , and on the next day , and the next , till they were all in


She begged him to wait till the day after tomorrow before rejoining her if he wanted to find her quite bright and fresh


