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论文题目:英语委婉语的交际功能及其构造方式探微 论文语言:英语论文 English 论文专业:英语专业 字数:开题报告 学校国家:中国 是否有数据处理要求:否 您的学校:二本大学
论文用于:BA Dissertation 本科毕业论文 补充要求和说明:参考文献不少于20条
The Study of the Communicative Functions and Structures of English Euphemism
I. Literature Review (此部分不少于1500字) The study of . . . . . .
II. Significance and Emphasis (此部分不少于500字)
With the further globalization of economy and communication in nowadays, the communications between different countries and nations are becoming more frequent .. .. ..
III. Brief Statement Euphemism is a . . . . . . IV. Outline (此部分不少于4部分) 1. Introduction
2. Intercultural communication
2.1 The definition of intercultural communication 2.2 The barrier factors in intercultural communication 3. Euphemism
3.1 The definition of euphemism
3.2 The birth and development of euphemism 3.3 Constructions and pragmatics analyses 3.3.1 Constructions 3.3.2 Pragmatics analyses
3.4 The functions of intercommunication of euphemisms 3.4.1 Avoidance of Taboo 3.4.2 Expression of politeness
4. The future development of euphemism 5. Conclusion
Bibliography (此部分不少于20条。先英语,后汉语,按作者姓氏字母顺序排列。)
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