【#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《中国梦话题英语演讲稿》,欢迎阅读!
我们每个人都有自己的梦想,每个人的梦想都不同,有些人想成为科学家,去研究未知世界,探索天地间的奥秘;有些人想成为慈善家,去帮助那些身处困境的人们,建立一个大同世界;有些人想成为教育家,去播撒智慧的种子,让世人摆脱愚昧,实现自我。凡此种种,共同构成了一个中国人心中共同的梦想——中国梦,今天我要和大家分享我心中的中国梦。 中国梦,在我看来,是一个国家富强,人民生活幸福的梦想,中华文明的历史渊远流长,上下五千年从未间断,中国是四大文明古国中,历史从未间断的国家,从古至今,大智大慧的先贤们从未停止建设大同世界的脚步,也正因此,中华文明才在世界“文明之林”中独树一帜,辉煌灿烂,古代四大发明的诞生正是伟大中华文明的真实写照。近代的中国饱受外国列强的欺凌,国土被瓜分、人民遭屠戮,整个国家都处于水深火热之中。后来在中国共产党的带领下,英勇的中国人赶走了日本侵略者,推翻了蒋介石独裁政权,建立了伟大的新中国,洗雪了从鸦片战争以来一百多年的民族耻辱,中华大地从此焕然一新,东方雄狮逐渐苏醒,中华儿女的腰杆从此挺起来了。
The “Chinese dream”in my heart
Good morning everybody,good morning honorific judges,thank you for listening to my speech.As we all known,everyone has dream,and it varies with different people,some of us want to be scientists,to research the world which is unknown and probe those profound mysteries in the universe,some of us have the expectation that they might become philanthropists,to give help to the persons who are in plight and make our world more harmonious,some of us would like to be educators,to disseminate the seed of wisdom and help people get rid of ignorance so that they can realize their dreams.All of these are the compositions of the “Chinese dream”.Today,i would like to share my viewpoints of the “Chinese dream”with you.
“Chinese dream”,in my mind,is a dream about the prosperity of a country and the happiness of the people,the civilization of china has a long history and goes back,it hasn’t ever been discontinued in the last five thousand years.china is the only country whose history is continuous among the four ancient civilized countries.In all ages,the wise men haven’t ceased the step of creating a more harmonious country and so,the civilization of china play a important role in the civilized world of human beings and the four great inventions of the ancient china are the demonstration of the glorious civilization of china.Modern china suffered a lot from the ravage of foreign big powers after the war of opium,our lands were plundered by those aggressors,the people in our country were massacred by those cruel aggressors,the whole country was in extreme misery.Afterward,leaded by Chinese Communist Party,fearless Chinese defeated Japanese aggressors,overthrew the dictatorial regime of nationalist party and built the great new china,more than a hundred years of national humiliation was eliminated.Our country has taken on an altogether new aspect since the new china was born.
However,make a general survey of current international relation,there are so many threats that our country has to face,there is a long way to go to catch up with the western advanced countries.The “Chinese dream” means our country be prosperous,the people are satisfied with their current life. To make the “Chinese dream”come true early,the joint efforts from us are eagerly required,so we should relate our personal dreams with the great “Chinese dream”.
As a graduate student,i want to be a geologist and i am endeavoring to realize my dream,i believe that a geologist can make a great contribution to our country and so,i help realize the “Chinese dream”,if all of us could relate our personal dreams with the great “Chinese dream”,our nation would be more stronger.
Thank you for listening!