
2022-09-07 02:38:19   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《日常英语口语:结婚纪念日夫妻对话》,欢迎阅读!


Wedding anniversary在结婚纪念日上,丈夫和妻子间的英语口语对话,动画视频中英字幕,附有双语中英对比的文本。

丈夫: I dont know if you rememberbut it was on this very day last year that we tied the knot 我不知道你记不记得,就在去年的今日我们结婚了

妻子:Of course I rememberActuallyIm very impressed that you rememberedI thought for sure you would forget 我固然记得,说实在话,我很感动你还记得,我还以为你确定忘了呢。 丈夫: How could I ever forgetI even bought you roses because I love you


妻子:They are so beautifulI love them and I love you too 这花真好看,我很喜爱这些花,我也很爱你

丈夫: You are more beautiful than the roses 你比这些花更好看

妻子:I dont know howbut I love you more now than the day we got married


丈夫: Yeswe are a match made in heaven 我知道,我们是天生的一对嘛。

妻子:I know over the past year we have faced our share of troublebut we survived and here we are


丈夫: Yesindeedwe did have problemsbut we share a lot of happiness toowe conquered the problems and had a lot of happiness too

是啊,的确是这样。我们的确有过一些问题,但是我们也共享了许多欢乐,我们客服了这些问题,我们也得到了许多欢乐。 妻子:Yeswe did 是啊

丈夫: I love you! Happy anniversary 我爱你!结婚纪念日欢乐!

妻子:I love you! Happy anniversary 我爱你!结婚纪念日欢乐!

