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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《中俄文化交流论文:中俄文化交流问题研究》,欢迎阅读!


【中文摘要】中国与俄罗斯是相依为邻的两个大国。中俄两国人 民有着悠久的传统友谊,文化交流历史源远流长。文化上的相互认同 使我们在许多问题上有共同的认识,有共同的语言,有相互的信任。近 年来,中俄文化交流总体发展顺利。两国文化部每年召开中俄文化 作分委会,定期互办文化,特别是国家年和语言年的举办,使两国的 文化交流提升到了一个新的水平。与此同时,在中俄两国的文化交流 中仍然存在一些问题,如何解决这些问题是深化双边文化交流、促进 两国关系不断发展的关键。本文在回顾与审视新时期中俄文化交流发 展成果的基础上,简要分析了现阶段中俄文化交流存在的问题及对其 产生影响的因素,并对进一步深化中俄文化交流提出了对策建议。

【英文摘要】China and Russia are two big neighboring countries. The two countries have a long tradition of people’

s friendship and a long cultural exchange history. Mutual acceptance of culture makes us have common recognition, common language and mutual trust on many issues. In recent years, cultural exchanges between China and Russia have developed smoothly on the whole. The ministry of culture of the two countries holds Sino-Russian cultural cooperation branch committee meetings regularly every year, hosts cultural festivals regularly, especially successfully holding“country

years”and“language years”makes cultural exchanges between

the two countries raise to a new level.Meanwhile, there are some problems in the cultural exchanges between the two countries, how to solve these problems is the key to deepen bilateral cultural exchanges and promote the continuous development of relations between the two countries. On the basic of reviewing and examining the achievements of cultural exchanges between the two countries in new period, this paper generally analyzes the problems that exist in Sino-Russian cultural exchanges and the influence factors, and finally puts forward some constructive ideas for furthering Sino-Russian cultural exchanges.

【关键词】中俄文化交流 发展成果 存在的问题 对策建议 【英文关键词】Sino- Russia cultural exchanges achievements existing problems constructive ideas 【目录】中俄文化交流问题研究

【备注】索购全文在线加好友: 同时提供论文写作一对一指导和论文发表委托服务 中文摘要 3-4 Abstract 4 绪论 7-12 第一章

中俄文化交流的概念及意义 12-18 第一节 相关概念的界定

12-13 第二节 中俄文化交流的现实意义 13-17 本章小结 17-18 第二章 中俄文化交流的状况 18-31 第一节 官方文化交流稳步增加 18-25 第二节 民间文化流日趋活跃

25-30 本章小结 30-31 第三章 中俄开展文化交流的有利因素和不利因素 31-39 第一节 中俄开展文化交流的有利因素 31-34 第二节 中俄开展文化交流的不利因素 34-38

本章小结 38-39 第四章 加强中俄文化交流的对策建议

