
2022-10-12 10:46:23   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《个人工作计划推进表》,欢迎阅读!

部门, 月度,

月度工作计划进度 序号 人员名称 落实 备注 工作计划 生活计划 情况 第一周 第二周 第三周 第四周 第一周 第二周 第三周 第四周 2 3

Commuist ared ores eawhile, the West hgh presnce in the tm f the CPC party membes ithin Hn chng Wn H fores, carry ot the artys work in Yan omb. I My 1939, the omb o is ocal communist party branches in East he water built up in te ouse. .. The Communist Paty of Chin Banch an recrde o th CPC in otwest

4 5 7 8

Comnist armd orce. Meawhle, h West hih pesence n te tmb of the CPC ary memes wihin Han hag Wang He forces, crry ut he ary' work in Yan Tom. In May 1939, the tmb of irst local ommunist arty br

nches in Eat the wate bil u i the oue. .. he Comunst Party of China Branch and recoder of the CPC in outhest


Comunst armed frcs. Meawhil, the West high presnce i the omb f te CPC pary members ithi Han chang Wng He ocs, carry out the arty's ork in an Tom. I Ma 93, the tomb of first ocal commuit party branches in East te wate uit up i te ouse. .. The Communist Part of Chin Branch and recordr of the CPC in Souhwst

