【#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《英文音乐节目广播稿》,欢迎阅读!
Music Bomb 20091014
Cecile Grace
Accidently Kelly Street
C: Hello Darlings. Welcome to Music Bomb on Wednesday again! Here is Cecile,with me..
G: And your Grace.
C: Grace, It is positively autumnal, right?
G: yeah, I „v felt that there is a breath of Autumn in the air.
C: So have I. But today our topic is nothing about Autumn, which brings us into a kind of depression and sorrow. Today I‟ll take you back to the most lively moment of a year.
G: Haha I see … Today our task is to get rid of your Autumn from your heart and recall your Spring in your hear.
C: Absolutely. So firstly ,a lovely song for you, Accidently Kelly Street, which is full of youth and vitality ,haha enjoy it.
C: Life could be so sweet~ Accidently Kelly Street
G:I know this song from a Chinese movie 《蓝色大道》,当场景中两个女孩子在房间里蹦蹦跳跳,背景音乐响起,就是这首歌,爽朗的拍子仿佛是轻轻的拍打在每一个人的心上,让你很自然的就跟着音乐一起摇摆起来,也沉浸在电影里讲述的那个关于青春,关于年少的那种朦胧情感中.
C: And I like these imaginable lyrics. I think, it is youth full of surprises that make life could be so sweet, right?
G:I agree with you. So let’s listen to it in a lovely mood. you’ll find you’ve never thought life could be so sweet!
C:Luky.Now what we have is a song named Luky from the series Drop Dead Diva.美女上错身.w hich tells us an interesting story that a beautiful but shallow model Deb dies in a car accident,then her soul resurfaces on Earth in the body of recently deceased Jane, a plus-size attorney who's brilliant and well liked ... or the exact opposite of the former Deb.
G:That’s a fantastic story.美女Deb由于一次车祸意外丧命。阴错阳差,她的灵魂进入了一个聪明能干但极其肥胖的律师Jane的身体。
没有了青春美貌的24岁的Deb变成了34岁的fat woman。白白失去了8年的青春和美貌。What was worse,as Jane,she can‟t tell her real boyfriend, Grayson,that Deb is still alive and she is Deb. This song is from Jane‟s 34th birthday party.She sang it for Grayson and her real self.
C:It is in front of Grayson that Deb,who is in Jane‟s appearance now ,sings the song which belonged to her and Grayson.
Staring at Jane‟s appearance and litsening to Jane‟s voice,Grayson felt so familiar. Not knowing why he had that feeling, he just said to himself, “ it‟s our song.”
G:No one can remain youthful youth and beauty ,but love is magical and powerful. Well, let‟s go on this song imagining that moving scene.
Craigie hill
C:如果说是青春拨弄生命的琴弦,那么弥留指尖,Cara Dillon的声音就是让灵魂流溢出的那一抹最明媚纯净的感动。
G:Be quiet .来聆听这个感动爱尔兰的天使吟唱的最动听的女声。你会发现,即便是萧条的秋天,也可以将希望烙在青春之上。Because the Sping‟s voice is like a flower coming out in your heart.
C: It being in the springtime and the small birds they were singing.(这个是歌词呃~~~~~~~) 节奏蓝调、抒情摇滚、美国乡村民谣听多了,换种口味即是换种心情。
D:卡拉-迪仑(Cara Dillon)略显稚嫩的声音,却负荷着香醇的音乐。Cara大自然一般空灵的歌声,悠扬隽永的曲调让人仿佛置身于《克雷吉山》的图画中,静静享受碧绿青草与清凉湖水的纯朴芳香,此刻只有沉醉,翩然随意…… Valder fields
D:If you think Cara Dillon’s voice is from a little sweet girl,the following voice must make you think the singer is a little quiet boy.
音乐快结束,此段和音乐一起完结 C:听着这样轻快、含着些忧伤的吟唱。仿佛进入了那片心中含藏已久的田野。主旋律仿佛是青春所要承担的不可跨越的责任,然而反复的和声却是在少年们永远不会遗逝的对自己理想的执着,一直是在为不可实现的梦想而奋斗。That is youth. 纵然无法实现,但只要有那一颗奋斗的心,生命就会精彩. Maybe Valder fields are nowhere,but the hopeful fieds in our heart are always there.
G: 或许 Valder fields 根本不存在, 但人们心中的那片田野却是一直存在的.And,no one can remain youthful forever,but you can keep such joys of spring.
C:That’s all for today.希望在这荡漾着凉意的秋季能为大家送上几分温暖的春意。See you next Wednesday. G:Bye bye.~